Getting Started
The app server written in TypeScript and is an open-source project accessible at app-sdk-js.
Install the App PHP SDK via NPM:
npm install --save @shopware-ag/app-sdk-server
After the installation, you can use the SDK in your project. Here is an example:
Registration process
import { AppServer, InMemoryShopRepository } from '@shopware-ag/app-server-sdk'
const app = new AppServer({
appName: 'MyApp',
appSecret: 'my-secret',
authorizeCallbackUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/authorize/callback',
}, new InMemoryShopRepository());
export default {
async fetch(request) {
const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
if (pathname === '/authorize') {
return app.registration.authorize(request);
} else if (pathname === '/authorize/callback') {
return app.registration.authorizeCallback(request);
return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 });
First we create an AppServer instance with the app name, app secret and the authorize callback URL. The InMemoryShopRepository
is used to store the shops in memory. You can also use a custom repository to store the shops in a database.
With this code, you can register your app with our custom app backend.
Next, we will look into the lifecycle handling.