Environment Variables
This page lists all environment variables that can be used to configure Shopware.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
APP_ENV | prod | Environment |
APP_SECRET | (empty) | Can be generated with openssl rand -hex 32 |
APP_CACHE_DIR | {projectRoot}/var/cache | Path to a directory to store caches (since |
APP_BUILD_DIR | {projectRoot}/var/cache | Path to a temporary directory to create cache folder (since |
APP_LOG_DIR | {projectRoot}/var/log | Path to a directory to store logs (since |
INSTANCE_ID | (empty) | Unique Identifier for the Store: Can be generated with openssl rand -hex 32 |
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY | (empty) | Can be generated with shopware-cli project generate-jwt --env |
JWT_PUBLIC_KEY | (empty) | Can be generated with shopware-cli project generate-jwt --env |
LOCK_DSN | flock | DSN for Symfony locking |
APP_URL | (empty) | Where Shopware will be accessible |
BLUE_GREEN_DEPLOYMENT | 0 | This needs super privilege to create trigger |
DATABASE_URL | (empty) | MySQL credentials as DSN |
DATABASE_SSL_CA | (empty) | Path to SSL CA file |
DATABASE_SSL_CERT | (empty) | Path to SSL Cert file |
DATABASE_SSL_KEY | (empty) | Path to SSL Key file |
DATABASE_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT | (empty) | Disables verification of the server certificate (1 disables it) |
MAILER_DSN | null://localhost | Mailer DSN (Admin Configuration overwrites this) |
ENABLE_SERVICES | auto | Determines if services are enabled, auto detects that based on APP_ENV , other possible values are true & false |
OPENSEARCH_URL | (empty) | Open Search Hosts |
SHOPWARE_ES_ENABLED | 0 | Open Search Support Enabled? |
SHOPWARE_ES_INDEXING_ENABLED | 0 | Open Search Indexing Enabled? |
SHOPWARE_ES_INDEX_PREFIX | (empty) | Open Search Index Prefix |
COMPOSER_HOME | /tmp/composer | Caching for the Plugin Manager |
SHOPWARE_HTTP_DEFAULT_TTL | 7200 | Default TTL for HTTP Cache |
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN | (empty) | DSN for default async queue (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/default ) |
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_LOW_PRIORITY_DSN | (empty) | DSN for low priority queue (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/low_prio ) |
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_FAILURE_DSN | (empty) | DSN for failed messages queue (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/failure ) |