Migration from Vuex in Shopware to Pinia
With the release of Shopware 6.7, we will replace Vuex with Pinia as the state management library for the administration.
Why Pinia?
Migrating to Pinia simplifies state management with an intuitive API, no need for mutations, better TypeScript support, and seamless integration with Vue 3 Composition API. It’s lightweight, modular, and offers modern features like devtools support, making it a more efficient alternative to Vuex.
Migration Guide
To migrate a Vuex store to Pinia, you need to make some changes to the store definition and how you access it in components.
- First, register it with
and define the store withstate
, andactions
Before (Vuex):
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
// Initial state
mutations: {
getters: {
actions: {
After (Pinia):
const store = Shopware.Store.register('<storeName>', {
state: () => ({
// Initial state
getters: {
actions: {
export default store;
- You can also register the store with an
property in the definition object, for example:
const store = Shopware.Store.register({
id: '<storeName>',
state: () => ({
// Initial state
getters: {
// ...
actions: {
// ...
- If you register a store that already exists, it will be overwritten. You can also unregister a store:
- To register a store from a component or index file, simply import the store file.
Before (Vuex):
import productsStore from './state/products.state';
Shopware.State.registerModule('product', productsStore);
After (Pinia):
import './state/products.state';
Key Changes
In Pinia, state
must be a function returning the initial state instead of a static object.
state: () => ({
productName: '',
Vuex mutations
are no longer needed in Pinia, since you can modify state directly in actions or compute it dynamically.
actions: {
updateProductName(newName) {
this.productName = newName; // Directly update state
- There cannot be getters with the same name as a property in the state, as both are exposed at the same level in the store.
- Getters should be used to compute and return information based on state, without modifying it.
We recommend migrating JavaScript stores to TypeScript for stricter typing, better autocompletion, and fewer errors during development.
const store = Shopware.Store.register({
id: 'myStore',
export type StoreType = ReturnType<typeof store>;
Then, you can use this type to extend PiniaRootState
import type { StoreType } from './store/myStore';
declare global {
interface PiniaRootState {
myStore: StoreType;
Composables as a Store
With Pinia, you can use reactive properties inside a store and define it like a composable. Keep in mind that only variables and functions returned from the store will be tracked by Pinia in devtools.
const store = Shopware.Store.register('<storeName>', function() {
const count = ref(0);
const doubled = computed(() => count.value * 2);
function increment() {
function decrement() {
return { count, doubled, increment, decrement };
You can also use a composable function defined outside the store. This allows you to encapsulate and reuse logic across different stores or components, promoting better code organization and modularity:
// composables/myComposable.ts
export function useMyComposable() {
const count = ref(0);
const doubled = computed(() => count.value * 2);
function increment() {
function decrement() {
return { count, doubled, increment, decrement };
// store/myStore.ts
import { useMyComposable } from '../composables/myComposable';
const store = Shopware.Store.register('myStore', useMyComposable);
Accessing the Store
To access the store in Vuex, you would typically do:
When migrating to Pinia, it changes to:
To test your store, just import it so it's registered. You can use $reset()
to reset the store before each test:
import './store/my.store';
describe('my store', () => {
const store = Shopware.Store.get('myStore');
beforeEach(() => {
it('has initial state', () => {
When testing components that use Pinia stores, register Pinia as a plugin and reset it before each test:
import { createPinia, setActivePinia } from 'pinia';
const pinia = createPinia();
describe('my component', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('is a component', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(await wrapTestComponent('myComponent', { sync: true }), {
global: {
plugins: [pinia],
stubs: {
// ...