Custom E2E Commands
General commands
Command | Parameter | Description |
setLocaleToEnGb | - | Switches administration UI locale to EN_GB |
login | (userType) | Logs in to the Administration manually |
typeAndCheck | (textToType) | Types in an input element and checks if the content was correctly typed |
clearTypeAndCheck | (textToType) | Clears field, types in an input element and checks if the content was correctly typed |
typeMultiSelectAndCheck | (textToType, { searchTerm: searchTerm }) | Types in a sw-select field and checks if the content was correctly typed (multi select) |
typeSingleSelect | (textToType, selector) | Types in an sw-select field (single select) |
typeSingleSelectAndCheck | (textToType, selector) | Types in an sw-select field and checks if the content was correctly typed (single select) |
typeLegacySelectAndCheck | (textToType, { searchTerm: searchTerm }) | Types in an legacy swSelect field and checks if the content was correctly typed |
typeAndCheckSearchField | (searchTerm) | Types in the global search field and verify search terms in url |
awaitAndCheckNotification | (message) | Wait for a notification to appear and check its message |
clickContextMenuItem | (actionInMenuSelector, openMenuSelector, scope = '') | Click context menu in order to cause a desired action |
clickMainMenuItem | ({ targetPath, mainMenuId, subMenuId }) | Navigate to module by clicking the corresponding main menu item |
openUserActionMenu | ({ targetPath, mainMenuId, subMenuId }) | Click user menu to open it up |
dragTo | (target) | Drags the previous subject element to a target, performing a drag and drop operation |
onlyOnFeature | (feature) | Only run the test (skip otherwise) if the feature is activated |
skipOnFeature | (feature) | Skip the test if the feature is activated |
Storefront-related / Sales Channel API commands
Command | Parameter | Description |
getSalesChannelId | - | Get the sales channel Id via Admin API |
storefrontApiRequest | (method, endpoint, header = {}, body = {}) | Performs Storefront API Requests |
getRandomProductInformationForCheckout | - | Returns random product with id, name and url to view product |
System Commands
Command | Parameter | Description |
activateShopwareTheme | - | Activates Shopware theme for Cypress test runner |
cleanUpPreviousState | - | Cleans up any previous state by restoring database and clearing caches |
openInitialPage | - | Opens up the administration initially and waits for the "me" call to be successful |
API commands
Command | Parameter | Description |
authenticate | - | Authenticate towards the Shopware API |
loginViaApi | - | Logs in silently using Shopware API |
searchViaAdminApi | (data) | Search for an existing entity using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
requestAdminApi | (method, url, requestData) | Handling API requests |
updateViaAdminApi | (endpoint, id, data) | Updates an existing entity using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
Fixture commands
Command | Parameter | Description |
setToInitialState | - | Sets Shopware back to its initial state if using platform E2E backup routine |
createDefaultFixture | (endpoint, data = {}, jsonPath) | Create entity using Shopware API via given endpoint |
createProductFixture | (userData = {}) | Create product fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint |
createCategoryFixture | (userData = {}) | Create category fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint |
createSalesChannelFixture | (userData = {} | Create sales channel fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint |
setSalesChannelDomain | (salesChannelName = 'Storefront') | Create sales channel domain using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
createCustomerFixture | (userData = {}) | Create customer fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint |
createCmsFixture | (userData = {}) | Create cms fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
createPropertyFixture | (options, userData) | Create property fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
createLanguageFixture | - | Create language fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
createShippingFixture | (userData) | Create shipping fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
createSnippetFixture | - | Create snippet fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint |
createGuestOrder | productId, userData) | Create guest order fixture |
setProductFixtureVisibility | (productName, categoryName) | Sets category and visibility for a product in order to set it visible in the Storefront |