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Add JavaScript as script tag

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Add JavaScript as script tag


You often want to add your JavaScript to your main entry point <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/main.js to automatically compile it alongside the Storefront JavaScript. Please refer to Add custom Javascript for more information.

However, you might want to add JavaScript as a separate <script> tag in the HTML. For example, to load a script from an external CDN. You will learn how to extend the template to add a <script> tag.


For this guide, you need a running plugin, Shopware 6 instance, and full access to all files. You also need a brief understanding of how a template extension works.

Adding JavaScript as a separate script tag

You can extend the default template that includes the <head> section of the page: src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig. While it is possible to add a <script> anywhere in the HTML via template extensions, it is recommended to include your script alongside the default scripts by extending the block layout_head_javascript_hmr_mode.

{# <plugin root>/src/Resources/views/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig #}
{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}

{% block layout_head_javascript_hmr_mode %}
    {# Renders Storefront script: <script src="https://your-shop.example/theme/747e1c6a73cf4d70f5e831b30554dd15/js/all.js?1698139296" defer></script> #}
    {{ parent() }}

    {# Your script #}
    <script src="" defer></script>
{% endblock %}

This will render:

    <!-- Other tags are rendered here... -->

    <script src="https://your-shop.example/theme/747e1c6a73cf4d70f5e831b30554dd15/js/all.js?1698139296" defer></script>
    <script src="" defer></script>


If you are extending the block layout_head_javascript_hmr_mode to add your script, you must always use the {{ parent() }} function to render the Storefront JavaScript as well. Otherwise, the core JS functionalities of the Storefront will be overwritten and will stop working. This should only happen when you explicitly want this.

Conditional scripts

Instead of continually rendering your <script>, you can also put it behind a condition in Twig. Then the script will only be rendered when the Twig condition is met.

{# <plugin root>/src/Resources/views/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig #}
{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}

{% block layout_head_javascript_hmr_mode %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {# Only add script when condition is met #}
    {% if someCondition %}
        <script src="" defer></script>
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

Script order

Should your <script> tag come before or after the Storefront core JavaScript? It depends on whether you need to have access to the code added by your <script> within the Storefront JavaScript (added by <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/main.js).

  • If you don't need access within the Storefronts JavaScript, you should add the <script> after the Storefront JavaScript.
  • If you do need access, your <script> should come before the Storefront JavaScript.


Please consider that non-async <script src="#"> that are added before the Storefront JavaScript will postpone its execution. Too many scripts can have a negative effect on the shop's performance.

Script loading behavior

Using the defer attribute is recommended to tell the browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed. However, if you add a library as <script>, please consult the library documentation. Some libraries are supposed to be loaded with async attribute.


It should be avoided to add external <script src="#"> without defer or async because it will block rendering of the site until the script is executed. This can have a negative effect on the shop's performance.

Alternative script locations

You can also add a <script> near the body using block base_body_script in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/base.html.twig. It is possible to add <script> at every location the Twig blocks offer.


Alternative script locations should only be used when there is a technical reason. For example, when the documentation of an external library recommends a specific script location inside the HTML.