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Adding snippets

Adding snippets


By default Shopware 6 uses the Vue I18n plugin in the Administration to deal with translation.

Creating snippet files

Normally you use snippets in your custom module. To keep things organized, create a new directory named snippet inside module directory <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/<your-module>/snippet. For each language you want to support, you need a JSON file inside it, e.g., de-DE.json, en-GB.json.


Providing snippets for apps works the same as in plugins but it has a more simplistic file structure. Also, unlike plugins, App-Snippets are not allowed to override existing snippet keys. So, use the following path for vendor-prefixed app snippet files: <app root>/Resources/app/administration/snippet

Each language then receives a nested object of translations, so let's have a look at an example snippet/en-GB.json:

    "swag-example": {
        "nested": {
            "value": "example",
            "examplePluralization": "1 Product | {n} Products"
        "foo": "bar"

In this example you would have access the two translations by the following paths: swag-example.nested.value to get the value 'example' and to get the value 'bar'. You can nest those objects as much as you want.

By default, Shopware 6 will collect those files automatically when your plugin is activated.


When you do not build a module and therefore do not fit into the suggested directory structure, you can still place the translation files anywhere in <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/.

Using the snippets in JavaScript

Since snippets are automatically registered in the scope of your module, you can use them directly:

Component.register('my-custom-page', {

    methods: {
        createdComponent() {
            // call the $tc helper function provided by Vue I18n 
            const myCustomText = this.$tc('swag-example.general.myCustomText');


Using the snippets in templates

The same $tc helper function can be used in the templates to access translations.

{% block my_custom_block %}
       {{ $tc('swag-example.general.myCustomText') }}
{% endblock %}

Another feature of $tc is pluralization. Use a | in snippets to provide translations depending on the number. The first part shows singular expression, while the second takes care of plural cases. Let's have a look at this example of "examplePluralization": "One Product | {n} Products" with the following implementation:

{% block my_custom_block %}
       {{ $tc('swag-example.nested.examplePluralization', products.length) }}
{% endblock %}

If you provide 1 as the second parameter to $tc(), the text One Product would be rendered. For any other value greater than 1, the number itself is shown — for example, 4 Products.

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