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Custom E2E Commands

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Custom E2E Commands

General commands

setLocaleToEnGb-Switches administration UI locale to EN_GB
login(userType)Logs in to the Administration manually
typeAndCheck(textToType)Types in an input element and checks if the content was correctly typed
clearTypeAndCheck(textToType)Clears field, types in an input element and checks if the content was correctly typed
typeMultiSelectAndCheck(textToType, { searchTerm: searchTerm })Types in a sw-select field and checks if the content was correctly typed (multi select)
typeSingleSelect(textToType, selector)Types in an sw-select field (single select)
typeSingleSelectAndCheck(textToType, selector)Types in an sw-select field and checks if the content was correctly typed (single select)
typeLegacySelectAndCheck(textToType, { searchTerm: searchTerm })Types in an legacy swSelect field and checks if the content was correctly typed
typeAndCheckSearchField(searchTerm)Types in the global search field and verify search terms in url
awaitAndCheckNotification(message)Wait for a notification to appear and check its message
clickContextMenuItem(actionInMenuSelector, openMenuSelector, scope = '')Click context menu in order to cause a desired action
clickMainMenuItem({ targetPath, mainMenuId, subMenuId })Navigate to module by clicking the corresponding main menu item
openUserActionMenu({ targetPath, mainMenuId, subMenuId })Click user menu to open it up
dragTo(target)Drags the previous subject element to a target, performing a drag and drop operation
onlyOnFeature(feature)Only run the test (skip otherwise) if the feature is activated
skipOnFeature(feature)Skip the test if the feature is activated
getSalesChannelId-Get the sales channel Id via Admin API
storefrontApiRequest(method, endpoint, header = {}, body = {})Performs Storefront API Requests
getRandomProductInformationForCheckout-Returns random product with id, name and url to view product

System Commands

activateShopwareTheme-Activates Shopware theme for Cypress test runner
cleanUpPreviousState-Cleans up any previous state by restoring database and clearing caches
openInitialPage-Opens up the administration initially and waits for the "me" call to be successful

API commands

authenticate-Authenticate towards the Shopware API
loginViaApi-Logs in silently using Shopware API
searchViaAdminApi(data)Search for an existing entity using Shopware API at the given endpoint
requestAdminApi(method, url, requestData)Handling API requests
updateViaAdminApi(endpoint, id, data)Updates an existing entity using Shopware API at the given endpoint

Fixture commands

setToInitialState-Sets Shopware back to its initial state if using platform E2E backup routine
createDefaultFixture(endpoint, data = {}, jsonPath)Create entity using Shopware API via given endpoint
createProductFixture(userData = {})Create product fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint
createCategoryFixture(userData = {})Create category fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint
createSalesChannelFixture(userData = {}Create sales channel fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint
setSalesChannelDomain(salesChannelName = 'Storefront')Create sales channel domain using Shopware API at the given endpoint
createCustomerFixture(userData = {})Create customer fixture using Shopware API via given endpoint
createCmsFixture(userData = {})Create cms fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint
createPropertyFixture(options, userData)Create property fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint
createLanguageFixture-Create language fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint
createShippingFixture(userData)Create shipping fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint
createSnippetFixture-Create snippet fixture using Shopware API at the given endpoint
createGuestOrderproductId, userData)Create guest order fixture
setProductFixtureVisibility(productName, categoryName)Sets category and visibility for a product in order to set it visible in the Storefront