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Customize modules

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Customize modules


In the Administration core code, each module is defined in a directory called module. A module is an encapsulated unit which implements a whole feature. For example there are modules for customers, orders, settings, etc.


All you need for this guide is a running Shopware 6 instance. Of course, you'll have to understand JavaScript and have a basic familiarity with TwigJS, the templating engine, used in the Administration. However, that's a prerequisite for Shopware as a whole and will not be taught as part of this documentation.

Customizing a module

Module settings like color, icon, navigation are fixed by design and cannot be changed.

A guide for customizing components, which are already defined in existing modules, can be found here - Customizing components ..

However, modules themselves cannot be directly overridden.

At some point you need to add or change the routes of a module. For example when you want to add a tab to the page.

This is done by creating a new module and implementing a routeMiddleware. You can add those changes to your main.js file, which could then look like this:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/main.js
Shopware.Module.register('my-new-custom-route', {
    routeMiddleware(next, currentRoute) {
        if ( === 'sw.product.detail') {
                name: 'sw.product.detail.custom',
                path: '/sw/product/detail/:id/custom',
                component: 'sw-product-detail-custom',
                meta: {
                    parentPath: "sw.product.index"

In this example we register a new module which uses the routeMiddleWare to scan the routes while the Vue router is being set up. If we find the route sw.product.detail we just add another child route by pushing it to the currentRoute.children.

You can find a detailed example in the Add tab to existing module guide.

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