Shipping methods
Starting with version as experimental feature. Shopware has introduced experimental functionality for adding shipping methods via the App Manifest to a shop. The entire functionality and API are subject to change during the development process.
You should be familiar with the concept of Apps, their registration flow as well as signing and verifying requests and responses between Shopware and the App backend server.
Your app server must be also accessible for the Shopware server.
Manifest configuration
Basic configuration
The following example represents the most minimal configuration for a shipping method.
Ensure that the <identifier>
of your shipping method remains unchanged, as Shopware will deactivate or delete shipping methods that do no longer appear in the manifest during app updates.
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Make sure that the name of your app does not change anymore, otherwise there will be duplicates of your shipping methods -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- The identifier should not change after the first release -->
<name>First shipping method</name>
<!-- Requires a new generated UUID for your new delivery time -->
<name>From 2 to 4 days</name>
Delivery Time
The app manufacturer should initially display the standard delivery time to the shop manager, who can subsequently adjust it as needed. The delivery time requires some configurations.
The ID should only be generated initially and should remain unchanged thereafter. Changing it will result in the creation of a new one.
Please note that you should not modify the ID of the shipping time.
The name should describe the delivery time simply, briefly and comprehensibly.
Min / Max
The min and max values depend on the unit. Assuming the unit is days, in our example, the delivery time has a range from 2 to 4 days.
The following values are possible units
- hour
- day
- week
- month
- year
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<name>First shipping method</name>
<name>From 2 to 4 days</name>
Extended configuration
The functionality offers more than one identifier name. The following examples represent all possible configurations.
- Translation of fields that are visible to the customer and requires a translation
- Shipping method description
- Shipping method icon
- Shipping method active (expects true or false). Default value is
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Identifier should not change after the first release -->
<name>First shipping method</name>
<name lang="de-DE">Erste Versandmethode</name>
<!-- Remember to remove the dashes from generated UUID -->
<name>From 2 to 4 days</name>
<!-- The following configurations are optional -->
<description>This is a simple description</description>
<description lang="de-DE">Das ist eine einfache Beschreibung</description>
You can initially add a description for the customer.
Please note that the manifest cannot modify the description once you install the app, as the merchant can change it.
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<name>First shipping method</name>
<description>This is a simple description</description>
<description lang="de-DE">Das ist eine einfache Beschreibung</description>
<description lang="fr-FR">C'est une description simple</description>
You can initially add a shipping method icon. You must specify the path to this icon as relative to the manifest.xml file. For example, you have the following directory structure:
├── assets/
│ └── icons/
│ └── yourIcon.png
└── manifest.xml
The path should be: assets/icons/yourIcon.png
Please note that the manifest cannot modify the icon once you install the app, as the merchant can change it.
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<name>First shipping method</name>
You can activate the shipping method by default. Possible values for active are true
or false
- true: Activates the shipping method
- false: Deactivates the shipping method. Alternatively, you can leave out active
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<name>First shipping method</name>
Tracking url
It is possible to add a tracking URL for customers to monitor the delivery status.
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<name>First shipping method</name>
Here, you can set the display order of the shipping methods in the checkout. If you omit the tag, the position of the shipping method is 1 by default.
<!-- manifest.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
<name>First shipping method</name>