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Quotes conversion

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Quotes conversion

Customers can convert their shopping carts into quotes to facilitate seamless processing. There are two new services to handle the conversion process :

Cart to quote converter

When a customer wants to request a quote for their shopping cart, the process involves converting a cart to an order and then proceeding to enrich the data for the quote. The method convertToQuote of class Shopware\Commercial\B2B\QuoteManagement\Domain\CartToQuote\CartToQuoteConverter is responsible for this process.

use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Order\OrderConversionContext;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Cart;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Order\OrderConverter;

public function convertToQuote(Cart $cart, SalesChannelContext $context, OrderConversionContext $orderContext = null): Quote
        $order = $this->orderConverter->convertToOrder($cart, $context, $orderContext);
        $quote = $order;
        //enrich quote data
        //enrich quote line-items
        return $quote;

Quote to cart converter

When a customer wants to place an order based on a quote, a new cart is created based on the quote data. The method convertToCart of class Shopware\Commercial\B2B\QuoteManagement\Domain\QuoteToCart\QuoteToCartConverter is responsible for this process.

use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Cart;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Uuid\Uuid;
use Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\SalesChannelContext;
use Shopware\Commercial\B2B\QuoteManagement\Entity\Quote\QuoteEntity;
use Shopware\Commercial\B2B\QuoteManagement\Domain\Transformer\QuoteLineItemTransformer;

public function convertToCart(QuoteEntity $quote, SalesChannelContext $context): Cart
        $cart = new Cart(Uuid::randomHex());

        $lineItems = QuoteLineItemTransformer::transformToLineItems($quote->getLineItems());
        //enrich the cart
        return $cart;