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API Route Restriction for Employees

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API Route Restriction for Employees


B2B employees and business partners share the same customer account. This can lead to inconsistency for all users of the shared account because they are allowed to change settings and data (both via Storefront and Store API), which are not related to the B2B permission system. Hence, it is decided to restrict most of the customer account routes by implementing a denylist pattern to prevent the illegal modification of customer data and settings, instead of replicating all customer features for employee accounts. All non-account related routes are still available for B2B employees.


The denylist can be found in the employee management config at: Resources\config\employee_route_access.xml. All denied routes are inside <denied> tags. The routes inside the <allowed> tags are not important for third-party developers because they are used for internal integration tests to remind developers to extend the list if new Store API account routes are added.

Denylist Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<routes xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../Schema/Xml/employee-route-access-1.0.xsd">


How to load the Denylist

The denylist is loaded by using the load function in the Shopware\Commercial\B2b\Domain\RouteAccess\EmployeeRouteAccessLoader class. The return result is an associative array that includes arrays of all allowed and denied routes.

Where is the Denylist loaded

The denylist is loaded in the Shopware\Commercial\B2b\Subscriber\B2bRouteBlocker, which listens to each controller event and validates the route access before the request reaches the controller. Illegal attempts cause an exception to be thrown.

How to override the Denylist

It is possible to create additional employee_route_access.xml configs, which include new denied routes. After the config is ready, you can decorate the Shopware\Commercial\B2b\Domain\RouteAccess\EmployeeRouteAccessLoader, which supports recommended Shopware decoration pattern. Adapt the solution of the decorated EmployeeRouteAccessLoader::load function and return your own config.

Decoration Example

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Shopware\Commercial\B2B\Domain\RouteAccess;

class DecoratedEmployeeRouteAccessLoader extends AbstractEmployeeRouteAccessLoader
    private const CONFIG = __DIR__ . '/../../Resources/config/new-custom-employee_route_access.xml';

    public function __construct(
        private readonly AbstractEmployeeRouteAccessLoader $decorated
    ) {

    public function getDecorated(): AbstractEmployeeRouteAccessLoader
        return $this->decorated;

    public function load(): array
        $oldConfig = $this->decorated->load();
        $customConfig = (array) @simplexml_load_file(self::CONFIG);

        // This example merges the old config with the new created custom config.
        // Return the $customConfig variable to override the old completely

        return array_merge_recursive($oldConfig, $customConfig);