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Generating MySQL dumps

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Generating MySQL dumps

Shopware CLI has built-in support for generating MySQL dumps. The dump command is native implementation and does not use existing tools like mysqldump.

Creating a MySQL dump is as simple as running the following command:

shopware-cli project dump

This will create a dump.sql in the current directory. The dump command will use the database credentials from the .env file. If you want to use different credentials, you can use the following flags:

shopware-cli project dump --host --username root --password root --database sw6

It is possible to use --skip-lock-tables to skip the lock tables command. This is useful for large databases or when the MySQL user has no rights to lock the table.

Compressing the dump

Database dumps can be pretty large, it is possible to compress the dump using gzip or zstd. Use flag --compression=gzip for gzip compression or --compression=zstd for zstd compression.

Table locking

By default, Shopware CLI will try to lock the table before dumping the data. This can fail if the MySQL user has no rights to lock the table. To skip the lock tables command, use the --skip-lock-tables flag.

Anonymizing data

The --anonymize flag will anonymize known user data tables. The following tables are anonymized:

See here for the complete list

It is possible to customize the anonymization process by using the dump.rewrite configuration in the shopware-cli.yml file.

# .shopware-project.yml
      # Rewrite column content to new value
      <column-name>: "'new-value'"
      # Use go-faker to generate data
      <column-name>: "faker.Internet().Email()" # See for all available functions

Ignoring table content

Some tables are not relevant for dumps, like log tables. To ignore some default tables, use the --clean flag. This will ignore the content of the following tables:

  • cart
  • customer_recovery
  • dead_message
  • enqueue
  • messenger_messages
  • increment
  • elasticsearch_index_task
  • log_entry
  • message_queue_stats
  • notification
  • payment_token
  • refresh_token
  • version
  • version_commit
  • version_commit_data
  • webhook_event_log

To ignore additional tables, use the dump.ignore configuration in the shopware-project.yml file.

# .shopware-project.yml
    - <table-name>

Ignoring entire tables

It is also possible to completely ignore a table not only the content.

# .shopware-project.yml
    - <table-name>

Adding a where clause

It is possible to add a where clause to the export of a table. So only rows matching the where clause will be exported.

# .shopware-project.yml
    <table-name>: 'id > 5'