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Storefront coding standards

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Storefront coding standards


This document represents an architecture decision record (ADR) and has been mirrored from the ADR section in our Shopware 6 repository. You can find the original version here


  • The current coding standards are not put into an ADR yet.
  • This ADR is to determine the current standards to have a start from where to enhance the storefront concept further more.


Routes annotations

Route annotations respect the following schema: example:

#[Route(path: '/example/endpoint/{id}', name: 'frontend.example.endpoint', options: ['seo' => false], defaults: ['id' => null, 'XmlHttpRequest' => true, '_loginRequired' => true, '_httpCache' => true], methods: ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])]
  • path: The path of the route. Parameters inside the path will be noted in {} brackets.
  • name: A unique name for the route beginning with frontend.
  • options: Options for the route to be determined for special cases. Currently seo = (true|false) is the only option.
  • defaults: A set of default parameter for the Route. Either preconfigured parameters or any route query/path parameter can be defined as a default here.
    • id (any value): Stands as an example for any path parameter. Can be any noted parameter and the value is used, if it is not set by the request
    • XmlHttpRequest (true|false): If the route is an XmlHttpRequest which is normally called by a frontend ajax request. These Routes don't return the renderStorefront call.
    • _loginRrequired (true|false): Is a logged in user is required to call this route? Otherwise a "permission denied" redirect will be returned.
    • __httpCache (true|false): Should this route be cached in the httpCache?
  • methods: One or more of the HTTP methods ('GET', 'POST', 'DELETE')
    • GET: A request which returns data or a html page.
    • POST: A request which sends data to the server.
    • DELETE: A request which deletes data on the server.


  • Each controller requires a Route annotation with a path, name and method: #[Route(path: '/xxx', name: '', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
  • The name of the route has to be starting with "frontend"
  • Each route has to define the corresponding HTTP Method (GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH)
  • Routes which renders pages for the storefront (GET calls) are calling a respective pageloader to get the data it needs.
  • The function name should be concise
  • Each function has to define a return type hint
  • A route only have a single purpose
  • Use Symfony flash bags for error reporting to the frontend user
  • Each storefront functionality has to be available inside the store-api too
  • A storefront controller should never contain business logic
  • The controller class requires the annotation: #[Route(defaults: ['_routeScope' => ['storefront']])]
  • Depending services has to be injected over the class constructor. The only exceptions are the container and twig, which can be injected with the methods setContainer and setTwig
  • Depending services has to be defined in the DI-Container service definition
  • Depending services has to be assigned to a private class property
  • Each storefront controller needs to be declared as a public service. (otherwise the routes can be removed from the container)
  • A storefront controller has to extend the \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\StorefrontController
  • Using _loginRequired=true defaults parameter to identify whether the Customer is logged in or not.
  • Each storefront functionality needs to make use of a store-api route service. This is to make sure, this functionality is also available via API

Operations inside Storefront controllers

A storefront controller should never use a repository directly, It should be injected inside a Route.

Routes which should load a full storefront page, should use a PageLoader class to load all corresponding data that returns a Page-Object.

Pages which contains data which are the same for all customers, should have the _httpCache=true defaults parameter in the Routes annotation.

Write operations inside Storefront controllers

Write operations should create their response with the createActionResponse function to allow different forwards and redirects. Each write operation has to call a corresponding store-api route.


  • A PageLoader is a class which creates a page-object with the data for the called whole page.
  • A PageletLoader is a class which creates a pagelet-object with the data for a part of a page.

The pageLoaders are a specific class to load the data for a given page. The controller calls the pageloader, which collects the needed data for that page via the Store-api. The pageloader can call other pageletloaders to get the data for pagelets(subcontent for a page). The pageloader always returns a page-object.


All dependencies in the controllers for routes which render a page have to be moved to the Loaders and if still missing, the Loader and Page has to be created. All direct DAL-dependencies inside the storefront have to be moved to Store-Api routes and respective calls. All other dependencies which are not allowed have to be checked for individual alternatives