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Using Directives

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Using Directives


Directives in the Shopware 6 Administration are essentially the same as in any other Vue application. This guide will teach you how to register your directives on a global and on a local scope.

Learn more about Vue Directives in their documentation:

Custom Directives | Vue.js


All you need for this guide is a running Shopware 6 instance and full access to both the files and preferably a registered module. Of course, you'll have to understand JavaScript, but that's a prerequisite for Shopware as a whole and will not be taught as part of this documentation.

Registering a directives globally

Directives can be registered globally via the Shopware Objects register helper function as seen below:

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/directive/focus.js
const { Directive } = Shopware;

Directive.register('focus', {
    // when the bound element is inserted into the DOM...
    inserted: function (el) {
        // Focus the element

As you might have seen, this is the exact same example as in the Vue documentation. Now, the only thing that's left is importing this file in your main.js. Then you can use it in the same way as you would do a normal Vue directive.

Registering a directives locally

Registering directives locally is exactly the same as you're familiar with in Vue. The code snippet below registers the example from the Vue documentation locally to the swag-basic-example component.

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/swag-basic-example/index.js
Shopware.Component.register('swag-basic-example', {

    directives: {
        focus: {
            // When the bound element is inserted into the DOM...
            inserted: function (el) {
                // Focus the element


As mentioned before, directives can be used as in any other Vue application, after they are registered:

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/swag-basic-example/swag-basic-example.html.twig
<input type="text" v-focus="">


Make sure the directive you are trying to access is actually in your components scope, either by registering the directive globally or locally to a component.