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Add menu entry

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Add menu entry


When it comes to the module configuration, the menu entry is one of the most important things to set up. It serves to open your module.


This guide does not explain how to create a new plugin for Shopware 6. Head over to our Plugin base guide to learn how to create a plugin at first:

Plugin Base Guide

Especially if you want to add a new page for an own module, you should consider to look at the process on how to add a custom module first.

Add custom module

Creating a simple menu entry

This menu entry can be defined in your module configuration. Remember, your module configuration looks as seen below:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
Shopware.Module.register('swag-plugin', {
    // configuration here

In order to create your own menu entry, you need to use the navigation key: It takes an array of objects, each one configuring a route connected to your module.

So let's define a menu entry using the navigation key in your module configuration. It takes an array of objects, each one configuring a route connected to your module:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
navigation: [{
    label: 'CustomModule',
    color: '#ff3d58',
    path: 'swag.custommodule.list',
    icon: 'default-shopping-paper-bag-product',
    parent: 'sw-catalogue',
    position: 100

As you see, you are able to configure several things in there:

labelThe label to be shown with this menu entry.
colorThis is the theme color of the module. This color may differ from the module's color itself.
pathWhich one of your configured routes shall be used when clicking this menu entry? The path is composed of the module id and the path name. Dashes become dots, for example module 'swag-example' and path 'index' become 'swag.example.index'.
iconAlso you can set a separate icon, which can make sense e.g. when having multiple menu entries for a single module, such as a special icon for 'Create bundle'. This example does not have this and it's only going to have a single menu entry, so use the icon from the main module here.
positionThe position of the menu entry. The higher the value, the more likely it is that your menu entry appears in the bottom.

Of course there's more to be configured here, but more's not necessary for this example.

Menu entry in category

Due to UX reasons, we're not supporting plugin modules to add new menu entries on the first level of the main menu. Please use the "parent" property inside your navigation object to define the category where you want your menu entry will be appended to. Your navigation entry will also have to have an id to show up in the rendered navigation:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
navigation: [{
    id: 'swag-custommodule-list',
    label: 'CustomModule',
    color: '#ff3d58',
    path: 'swag.custommodule.list',
    icon: 'default-shopping-paper-bag-product',
    parent: 'sw-catalogue',
    position: 100

You can find the parent id at the index.js file in each module folder. You can see the property navigation in the Module.register method. The id here can be used as the parent key.

Nesting menu entries

The parent can be on any level because the menu supports infinite depth nesting. For example, if sw-manufacturer were taken as the parent, the menu item would be present on the third level. So what's important here is that the configured parent defines where the menu entry will take place.


If you're planning to publish your plugin to the Shopware Store keep in mind we're rejecting plugins which have created their own menu entry on the first level.