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1.) Clone the Repository

git clone
cd swagsalesagent

2.) Create a .env File

  • Use the provided .env.template file as an example.
cp .env.template .env
  • Fill in the required details in the .env file. See the [table](../#.env properties) below for a detailed explanation of the properties.

3.) Set Up Shopware

  • Go to the Shopware instance you want to use.
  • Go to the storefront sales channel, scroll down, and copy the API Access Key. Add this key to your .env file.
  • Go to Admin > Settings > Integrations, add a new Integration and assign a role that has at least the following permissions:
    • Write permission for Orders
    • View permission for Sales Channels
    • View permission for Customers
  • Copy the secrets into your .env file.

4.) Install dependencies

pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --prefer-offline

5.) Run the Development Server

pnpm run dev

Docker setup

Alternatively, you can also use docker to install and start the application.

docker compose up

.env Properties

AUTH_ORIGINThe base URL for the authentication server. This is the host for redirects during user authentication.
SHOPWARE_STORE_APIThe base URL for the Shopware store API. Replace hostname with your actual Shopware Store-API URL. This can be found in your sales channel configuration.
SHOPWARE_STORE_API_ACCESS_TOKENThe access token for the Shopware store API. Obtain this from your Shopware instance.
SHOPWARE_ADMIN_APIThe base URL for the Shopware Administration API. Replace hostname with your actual Shopware Administration API URL.
SHOPWARE_ADMIN_API_CLIENT_IDThe client ID for the Shopware Administration API. Create an integration in Shopware Administration to get this.
SHOPWARE_ADMIN_API_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret for the Shopware Administration API. Create an integration in Shopware Administration to get this.
SHOPWARE_STOREFRONT_URLThe base URL for the Shopware storefront. Replace hostname with your actual Shopware storefront URL.
SHOPWARE_CDN_URLThe base URL for the Shopware CDN. Replace hostname with your actual Shopware CDN URL.
API_AUTH_SECRET_KEYProvide your own arbitrary key here. This is used for authenticating requests against server-side endpoints (e.g. creating users).
STORAGE_DRIVERThe storage driver to use in production. Please refer to the Deployment section.
STORAGE_HOSTThe storage host to use in production. Please refer to the Deployment section.
STORAGE_PORTThe storage port to use in production. Please refer to the Deployment section.
STORAGE_PASSWORDThe storage password to use in production. Please refer to the Deployment section.
STORAGE_TLSUse TLS for storage communication in production. Please refer to the Deployment section.

Local SSL setup

To set up SSL for local development, follow the below steps:

  1. Install mkcert (or similar tools)
  2. Inside the SalesAgent directory, run mkcert localhost. This will generate a key pair in your current directory.
  3. Run NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 nuxt dev --host=localhost --https --ssl-cert 'localhost.pem' --ssl-key 'localhost-key.pem'


You can also replace localhost with any IP address or domain name, for example, if you want to test this application from different devices over your local network.