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Migration Context

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Migration Context

The central data structure of Shopware Migration Assistant is the migration context. The migration context contains the following information:

  1. The current connection of migration which holds the credentials
  2. Current Profile and Gateway instances
  3. Identifier of the current run
  4. Information on the current processing (DataSet)
  5. Offset and limit of the current call
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration;

use Shopware\Core\Framework\Struct\Struct;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Connection\SwagMigrationConnectionEntity;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\DataSelection\DataSet\DataSet;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Gateway\GatewayInterface;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Profile\ProfileInterface;

class MigrationContext extends Struct implements MigrationContextInterface
    /* ... */

    public function getProfile(): ProfileInterface
        return $this->profile;

    public function getConnection(): ?SwagMigrationConnectionEntity
        return $this->connection;

    public function getRunUuid(): string
        return $this->runUuid;

    public function getDataSet(): ?DataSet
        return $this->dataSet;

    public function setDataSet(DataSet $dataSet): void
        $this->dataSet = $dataSet;

    public function getOffset(): int
        return $this->offset;

    public function getLimit(): int
        return $this->limit;

    public function getGateway(): GatewayInterface
        return $this->gateway;

    public function setGateway(GatewayInterface $gateway): void
        $this->gateway = $gateway;