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ACL and Routing

The ACL Routing component allows you to block Controller Actions for B2B users. It relies on and extends the technologies already defined by the ACL component. To accomplish this, the component directly maps an action in a given controller to a resource (= entity type) and privilege (= class of actions). There are two core actions you should know: index and detail, as you can see in the following acl-config example below.

Registering routes

All routes that need access rights need to be stored in the database. The B2B Suite provides a service to simplify this process. For it to work correctly, you need an array in a specific format structured like this:

$myAclConfig =  [
    'contingentgroup' => //resource name
        'B2bContingentGroup' => // controller name
            'index' => 'list', // action name => privilege name
            'detail' => 'detail',

This configuration array can then be synced to the database by using this service during installation:


This way, you can easily create and store the resources. Of course, to show a nice frontend, you must also provide snippets for translation. The snippets get automatically created from resource and privilege names and are prefixed with _acl_. So the resource contingentgroup needs a translation named _acl_contingentgroup.

Privilege names

The default privileges are:

Privilege nameWhat it means
listEntity listing (e.g. indexActions, gridActions)
detailDisabled forms, lists of assignments, but only the inspection, not the modification
createCreation of new entities
deleteRemoval of existing entities
updateUpdating/changing existing entities
assignChanging the assignment of the entity
freeNo restrictions

It is quite natural to map CRUD actions like this. However, the assignment is a little less intuitive. This should help:

  • All assignment controllers belong to the resource on the right side of the assignment (e.g., the B2BContactRole controller is part of the role resource).
  • All assignment listings have the detail privilege (e.g., B2BContactRole:indexAction is part of the detail privilege).
  • All actions writing the assignment are part of the assign privilege (e.g. B2BContactRole:assignAction is part of the assign privilege).

Automatic generation

You can autogenerate this format with the RoutingIndexer. This service expects a format that is automatically created by the IndexerService. This could be part of your deployment or testing workflow.

require __DIR__ . '/../B2bContact.php';
$indexer = new Shopware\B2B\AclRoute\Framework\RoutingIndexer();
$indexer->generate(\Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_B2bContact::class, __DIR__ . '/my-acl-config.php');

The generated file looks like this:

'NOT_MAPPED' => //resource name
          'B2bContingentGroup' => // controller name
                  'index' => 'NOT_MAPPED', // action name => privilege name
                  'detail' => 'NOT_MAPPED',

If you spot a privilege or resource that is called NOT_MAPPED, the action is new, and you must update the file to add the correct privilege name.

Template extension

The ACL implementation is safe at the PHP level. Any route you have no access to will automatically be blocked, but for a better user experience, you should also extend the template to hide inaccessible actions.

<a href="{{ url("frontend.b2b." ~ page.route ~ ".assign") }}" class="{{ b2b_acl('b2broleaddress', 'assign') }}">

This will add a few vital CSS classes:

Allowed actions:

<a [...] class="is--b2b-acl is--b2b-acl-controller-b2broleaddress is--b2b-acl-action-assign is--b2b-acl-allowed"/>

Denied actions:

<a [...] class="is--b2b-acl is--b2b-acl-controller-b2broleaddress is--b2b-acl-action-assign is--b2b-acl-forbidden"/>

The default behavior is then just to hide the link by setting its display property to display: none.

But there are certain specials to this:

  • applied to a form tag will remove the submit button and disable all form items.
  • applied to a table row in the b2b default grid will mute the applied ajax panel action.


Refer here for simple example plugin.