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Quotes Management

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Quotes Management

The Quote Management feature streamlines the B2B partnership process by enabling partners to seamlessly request and accept quotes without the need for time-consuming manual negotiations. The process begins with B2B partners populating their cart with desired products, after which they can initiate a quote request based on the contents of their cart. Once the request is submitted, B2B merchants have the ability to review the quote within the administration system. They can also apply discounts to individual product items within the quote to tailor the offer to the partner's needs. Subsequently, the modified quote is sent to the B2B partners for their consideration.

Partners are free to accept or decline the offer, and upon acceptance, they are guided through the seamless checkout process. The system then automatically generates an order based on the accepted quote, optimizing efficiency and ensuring a smooth transition from negotiation to transaction. This feature revolutionizes B2B interactions by reducing the need for extensive manual discussions and fostering a more efficient and collaborative environment for both partners and merchants.