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Add custom module

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Add custom module

In the Administration core code, each module is defined in a directory called module. Inside the module directory lies the list of several modules, each having their own directory named after the module itself.


This guide does not explain how to create a new plugin for Shopware 6. Head over to our Plugin base guide to learn how to create a plugin at first:

Plugin Base Guide

Creating the index.js file

The first step is creating a new directory <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example, so you can store your own modules files in there. Right afterwards, create a new file called index.js in there. Consider it to be the main file for your custom module.


This is necessary, because Shopware 6 is automatically requiring an index.js file for each module.

Your custom module directory isn't known to Shopware 6 yet. The entry point of your plugin is the main.js file. That's the file you need to change now, so that it loads your new module. For this, simply add the following line to your main.js file:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/main.js
import './module/swag-example';

Now your module's index.js will be executed.

Registering the module

Your index.js is still empty now, so let's get going to actually create a new module. This is technically done by calling the method registerModule method of our ModuleFactory, but you're not going to use this directly.

Instead, you're using the Shopware.Module.register() method, but why is that?

Shopware is a global object created for third party developers. It is mainly the bridge between the Shopware Administration and our plugin. The Module object comes with a register helper method to easily register your module. The method needs two parameters to be set, the first one being the module's name, the second being a javascript object, which contains your module's configuration.

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
Shopware.Module.register('swag-example', {
    // configuration here

Configuring the module

In this file, you can configure a couple of things, e.g. the color of your module. Each module needs a primary color, which will be used on specific accents and locations throughout your module. To name a few, it's the color of the main icon of the module, the tag in the global search input and the accent color of the smart bar.

In this example #ff3d58 is used as a color, which is a soft red. Also, each module has their own icon. You can see here here which icons are available in Shopware 6 by default. In our case here, let's say we use the icon default-shopping-paper-bag-product, which will also be used for the module.


This is not the icon being used for a menu entry! The icon for that needs to be configured separately. Please refer to the Add a menu entry guide for more information on this topic.

In addition, you're able to configure a title here, which will be used for the actual browser title. Just add a string for the key title. This will be the default title for your module, you can edit this for each component later on.

The description is last basic information you should set here, which will be shown as an empty-state. That means the description will be shown e.g. when you integrated a list component, but your list is empty as of now. In that case, your module's description will be displayed instead.

Another important aspect are the routes which your module is going to use, such as e.g. swag-example-list for the list of your module, swag-example-detail for the detail page and swag-example-create for creating a new entry. Those routes are configured as an object in a property named routes. We will cover that in the next paragraph.

Setting up menu entry and routes

The next steps are covered in their own guides. The first one would be adding a menu entry, so please take a look at the guide regarding:

Add menu entry

The second one refers to setting up custom routes, its guide can be found in the guide on adding custom routes:

Add custom route

Set up additional meta info

If you have been following that guide, then you should have got a menu entry then. The related routes are also set up already and linked to components, which will be created in the next main step. There's a few more things we need to change in the configurations though that you should add to your module, such as a unique name and a type. For reference, see this example:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
Shopware.Module.register('swag-example', {
    type: 'plugin',
    name: 'Example',
    title: 'swag-example.general.mainMenuItemGeneral',
    description: 'sw-property.general.descriptionTextModule',
    color: '#ff3d58',
    icon: 'regular-shopping-bag',

The name should be a technical unique one, the type would be 'plugin' here. When it comes to this type, there are basically two options in Shopware: core and plugin. So every third-party module should use plugin. To give a little context: Looking at module.factory inside registerModule the plugin type is the only case which is being checked and has some different behaviour. So it is more a convention and not a real validation which throws an error when type is divergent to these options.

Implementing snippets

You've already set a label for your module's menu entry. Yet, by default the Administration expects the value in there to be a Vuei18n variable, a translation key that is. It's looking for a translation key example now and since you did not provide any translations at all yet, it can't find any translation for it and will just print the key of a snippet. Sounds like it's time to implement translation snippets as well, right?

This is done by providing a new object to your module configuration, snippets this time. This object contains another object for each language you want to support. In this example de-DE and of course en-GB will be supported.

Each language then contains a nested object of translations, so let's have a look at an example:

    "swag-example": {
        "nested": {
            "value": "example"
        "foo": "bar"

In this example you would have access to two translations by the following paths: swag-example.nested.value to get the value 'example' and to get the value 'bar'. You can nest those objects as much as you want. Please note that each path is prefixed by the extension name.

Since those translation objects become rather large, you should store them into separate files. For this purpose, create a new directory snippet in your module's directory and in there two new files: de-DE.json and en-GB.json. The snippet files will be loaded automatically based on the folder structure.

Let's also create the first translation, which is for your menu's label. It's key should be something like this: swag-example.general.mainMenuItemGeneral

Thus open the snippet/en-GB.json file and create the new object in there. The structure here is the same as in the first example, just formatted as json file. Afterwards, use this path in your menu entry's label property.

To translate the description or the title, add those to your snippet file as well and edit the values in your module's description and title. The title will be the same as the main menu entry by default.

This should be your snippet file now:

    "swag-example": {
        "general": {
            "mainMenuItemGeneral": "My custom module",
            "descriptionTextModule": "Manage this custom module here"

Build the Administration

As mentioned above, Shopware 6 is looking for a main.js file in your plugin. Its contents get minified into a new file named after your plugin and will be moved to the public directory of Shopware 6 root directory. Given this plugin would be named "AdministrationNewModule", the bundled and minified javascript code for this example would be located under <plugin root>/src/Resources/public/administration/js/administration-new-module.js, once you run the command following command in your shopware root directory:


Your plugin has to be activated for this to work.

Make sure to also include that file when publishing your plugin! A copy of this file will then be put into the directory <shopware root>/public/bundles/administration/administrationnewmodule/administration/js/administration-new-module.js.

Your minified javascript file will now be loaded in production environments.

Special: Case Settings

If you think about creating a module concerning settings, you might want to link your module in the settings section of the Administration. You can add the settingsItem option to the module configuration as seen below:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
import './page/swag-plugin-list';
import './page/swag-plugin-detail';
Shopware.Module.register('swag-plugin', {
    settingsItem: [{
        group: 'plugins',
        icon: 'regular-rocket',
        to: 'swag.plugin.list',
        name: 'SwagExampleMenuItemGeneral', // optional, fallback is taken from module
        id: '', // optional, fallback is taken from module
        label: '', // optional, fallback is taken from module
        iconComponent: YourCustomIconRenderingComponent, // optional, this overrides the component used to render the icon

The group property determines the tab, the item will be displayed in. Valid options are 'shop', 'system' and 'plugins'.

The icon property contains the icon name which will be displayed. Refer to the Meteor Icon Kit documentation for icon names.

The to property must contain the name of the route. The route has to be defined in a separate routes section as described here. Have a look at the Configuring the route section in particular to find out about the name of your route.

Example for the final module

Here's your final module:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/swag-example/index.js
import './page/swag-example-list';
import './page/swag-example-detail';
import './page/swag-example-create';
import deDE from './snippet/de-DE';
import enGB from './snippet/en-GB';

Shopware.Module.register('swag-example', {
    type: 'plugin',
    name: 'Example',
    title: 'swag-example.general.mainMenuItemGeneral',
    description: 'sw-property.general.descriptionTextModule',
    color: '#ff3d58',
    icon: 'regular-shopping-bag',

    snippets: {
        'de-DE': deDE,
        'en-GB': enGB

    routes: {
        list: {
            component: 'swag-example-list',
            path: 'list'
        detail: {
            component: 'swag-example-detail',
            path: 'detail/:id',
            meta: {
                parentPath: 'swag.example.list'
        create: {
            component: 'swag-example-create',
            path: 'create',
            meta: {
                parentPath: 'swag.example.list'

    navigation: [{
        label: 'swag-example.general.mainMenuItemGeneral',
        color: '#ff3d58',
        path: 'swag.example.list',
        icon: 'regular-shopping-bag',
        position: 100

Next steps

As you might have noticed, we are just adding a custom module to the module. However, there's a lot more possible when it comes to extending the Administration. In addition, you surely want to customize your module even more. You may want to try the following things: