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Replace Vuex with Pinia

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Replace Vuex with Pinia


This document represents an architecture decision record (ADR) and has been mirrored from the ADR section in our Shopware 6 repository. You can find the original version here

ADR: Replace Vuex with Pinia


It was brought to our attention that the latest version of Vuex 4.1.0 contains a bug that destroys getter reactivity under specific circumstances. The proposed fix was to downgrade to 4.0.2. However, downgrading was not possible as 4.0.2 contains other bugs that caused modules to fail.


Pinia is the new documented standard with Vue 3; therefore, we will switch to Pinia.


Removal of Vuex

Below you will find an overview of what will be removed on which Shopware Version.


For Shopware 6.7 we want to transition all our modules but still leave the possibility for you to use Vuex for your own states.

  • All Shopware.State functions will cause warnings to appear in the DevTools. For example Shopware.State.registerModule is deprecated. Use Shopware.Store.register instead!
  • All Vuex state definitions will be transitioned to Pinia:
    • src/module/sw-bulk-edit/state/sw-bulk-edit.state.js
    • src/module/sw-product/page/sw-product-detail/state.js
    • src/module/sw-category/page/sw-category-detail/state.js
    • src/module/sw-extension/store/
    • src/module/sw-settings-payment/state/
    • src/module/sw-settings-seo/component/sw-seo-url/state.js
    • src/module/sw-settings-shipping/page/sw-settings-shipping-detail/state.js
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/extension-entry-routes.js
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/app/state/
    • src/module/sw-flow/state/flow.state.js
    • src/module/sw-order/state/
    • src/module/sw-order/state/
    • src/module/sw-profile/state/sw-profile.state.js
    • src/module/sw-promotion-v2/page/sw-promotion-v2-detail/state.js


With Shopware 6.8 we will entirely remove everything Vuex related including the dependency.

  • Shopware.State - Will be removed. Use Shopware.Store instead.
  • src/app/init-pre/state.init.ts - Will be removed. Use src/app/init-pre/store.init.ts instead.
  • src/core/factory/state.factory.ts - Will be removed without replacement.
  • Interface VuexRootState will be removed from global.types.ty. Use PiniaRootState instead.
  • Package vuex will be removed.

Transition to Pinia

Pinia calls its state-holding entities stores. Therefore, we decided to hold everything Pinia-related under Shopware.Store. The Shopware.Store implementation follows the Singleton pattern. The private constructor controls the creation of the Pinia root state. This root state must be injected into Vue before the first store can be registered. The init-pre/store.init.ts takes care of this.

Best practices

  1. All Pinia Stores must be written in TypeScript
  2. All Stores will export a type or interface like the cms-page.state.ts
  3. The state property of the exported type must be reused for the state definition.

You can always orientate on the cms-page.state.ts. It contains all best practices.

For now, we have decided to limit the public API of Shopware.Store to the following:

 * Returns a list of all registered Pinia store IDs.
public list(): string[];

 * Gets the Pinia store with the given ID.
public get(id: keyof PiniaRootState): PiniaStore;

 * Registers a new Pinia store. Works similarly to Vuex's registerModule.
public register(options: DefineStoreOptions): void;

 * Unregisters a Pinia store. Works similarly to Vuex's unregisterModule.
public unregister(id: keyof PiniaRootState): void;

The rest of the previous Vuex (Shopware.State) public API is implemented into Pinia itself.

// Setup
const piniaStore = Shopware.Store.get('...');

// From Vuex subscribe
// To Pinia $subscribe

// From Vuex commit
// To Pinia action call

// From Vuex dispatch
// To Pinia action call

Example Implementation

To prove that Vuex and Pinia can co-exist during the transition period, we picked a private Vuex state and decided to transition it. We chose the cmsPageState, which is heavily used in many components. The transition went smoothly without any major disturbances.

How to transition a Vuex module into a Pinia store:

  1. In Pinia, there are no mutations. Place every mutation under actions.
  2. state needs to be an arrow function returning an object: state: () => ({}).
  3. actions no longer need to use the state argument. They can access everything with correct type support via this.
  4. Point 3 also applies to getters.
  5. Use Shopware.Store.register instead of Shopware.State.registerModule.

Let's look at a simple Vuex module and how to transition it:

// Old Vuex implementation
Shopware.State.registerModule('example', {
    state: {
        id: '',
    getters: {
        idStart(state) {
            return, 4);
    mutations: {
        setId(state, id) {
   = id;
    actions: {
        async asyncFoo({ commit }, id) {
            // Do some async stuff
            return Promise.resolve(() => {
                commit('setId', id);
                return id;

// New Pinia implementation
// Notice that the mutation setId was removed! You can directly modify a Pinia store state after retrieving it with Shopware.Store.get.
    id: 'example',
    state: () => ({
        id: '',
    getters: {
        idStart: () =>, 4),
    actions: {
        async asyncFoo(id) {
            // Do some async stuff
            return Promise.resolve(() => {
       = id;

                return id;