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Using filter

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Using filter


In this guide you'll learn how to use filters in the Shopware Administration.


This guide requires you to already have a basic plugin running. If you don't know how to do this in the first place, have a look at our Plugin base guide.

Furthermore you should have a look at our add filter guide, since this guide is built upon it.

Using the filter

In this section we will show you, how to use our example filter in JavaScript code and in your Twig template files.

Filter in components JavaScript

If we want to use the filter in our components JavaScript files, we can access it by using this.$options.filters and the name of our filter.


Filter in Twig templates

If we want to use our filter in Twig templates, we can easily use it by using a pipe | and the name of our filter. It is also possible to use filters in v-bind expressions.

Below you can see two example implementations, how it could be done with single argument filters.

{% block my_custom_block %}
       {{ $tc('swag-example.general.myCustomText')|example }}
{% endblock %}
<example-component :name="$tc('swag-example.general.myCustomText')|example"></example-component>

When using multiple arguments, we can pass them as shown below.

{% block my_custom_block %}
       {{ $tc('swag-example.general.myCustomText')|example('secondArgument', 'thirdArgument') }}
{% endblock %}
<example-component :title="$tc('swag-example.general.myCustomText')|example('secondArgument', 'thirdArgument')"></example-component>