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Extending the Migration Connector

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Extending the Migration Connector

In this guide, you will see an example of how you can extend the Migration connector plugin to migrate the Shopware 5 SwagAdvDevBundle to a Shopware 6 plugin via API.


It is required to have a basic Shopware 5 plugin running. You must have installed the SwagAdvDevBundle, the Migration connector plugin in Shopware 5, and an own Shopware 6 Plugin, the Migration Assistant and the SwagMigrationBundleExample plugin in Shopware 6. If you want to know how all plugins work together, please look at the Extending a Shopware Migration Profile guide.

With this setup, you have the bundle plugin in Shopware 5 and also the bundle plugin in Shopware 6. So you can migrate your Shopware 5 shop to Shopware 6 via local and API gateway, but your bundle data only via a local gateway.

Creating bundle repository

To fetch your data via the Shopware 5 API, you have to create a bundle repository first:


namespace SwagMigrationBundleApiExample\Repository;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use SwagMigrationConnector\Repository\AbstractRepository;

class BundleRepository extends AbstractRepository
     * Fetch bundles using offset and limit
     * @param int $offset
     * @param int $limit
     * @return array
    public function fetch($offset = 0, $limit = 250)
        $ids = $this->fetchIdentifiers('s_bundles', $offset, $limit);

        $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();

        $query->from('s_bundles', 'bundles');
        $this->addTableSelection($query, 's_bundles', 'bundles');

        $query->where(' IN (:ids)');
        $query->setParameter('ids', $ids, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY);


        return $query->execute()->fetchAll();

     * Fetch all bundle products by bundle ids
     * @param array $ids
     * @return array
    public function fetchBundleProducts(array $ids)
        $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();

        $query->from('s_bundle_products', 'bundleProducts');
        $this->addTableSelection($query, 's_bundle_products', 'bundleProducts');

        $query->where('bundleProducts.bundle_id IN (:ids)');
        $query->setParameter('ids', $ids, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);

        return $query->execute()->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_GROUP | \PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

The repository has to inherit from the AbstractRepository of the Migration Connector. This provides helper functions like addTableSelection, which sets a prefix to all table columns and adds these to the query builder.

You have to register the repository in your service.xml with the parent property like this:

<service id="swag_migration_bundle_api_example.bundle_repository"

Creating bundle service

In the next step, you create a new BundleService, which uses your new BundleRepository to fetch all bundles and products to map them to one result array:

 * (c) shopware AG <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * File that was distributed with this source code.

namespace SwagMigrationBundleApiExample\Service;

use SwagMigrationBundleApiExample\Repository\BundleRepository;
use SwagMigrationConnector\Repository\ApiRepositoryInterface;
use SwagMigrationConnector\Service\AbstractApiService;

class BundleService extends AbstractApiService
    private BundleRepository $bundleRepository;

     * @param ApiRepositoryInterface $bundleRepository
    public function __construct(ApiRepositoryInterface $bundleRepository)
        $this->bundleRepository = $bundleRepository;

     * @param int $offset
     * @param int $limit
     * @return array
    public function getBundles($offset = 0, $limit = 250)
        $bundles = $this->bundleRepository->fetch($offset, $limit);
        $ids = array_column($bundles, '');
        $bundleProducts = $this->bundleRepository->fetchBundleProducts($ids);

        // Strip the table prefix 'bundles' out of the bundles array
        $bundles = $this->mapData($bundles, [], ['bundles']);

        foreach ($bundles as &$bundle) {
            if (isset($bundleProducts[$bundle['id']])) {
                $bundle['products'] = $bundleProducts[$bundle['id']];

        return $this->cleanupResultSet($bundles);

You have to register the BundleService in your service.xml:

<service class="SwagMigrationBundleApiExample\Service\BundleService" id="swag_migration_bundle_api_example.bundle_service">
    <argument type="service" id="swag_migration_bundle_api_example.bundle_repository"/>

Create a new API controller

At last, you have to create a new API controller, which uses the BundleService to get your bundle data:

 * (c) shopware AG <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * File that was distributed with this source code

use SwagMigrationBundleApiExample\Service\BundleService;
use SwagMigrationConnector\Service\ControllerReturnStruct;

class Shopware_Controllers_Api_SwagMigrationBundles extends Shopware_Controllers_Api_Rest
    public function indexAction()
        $offset = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('offset', 0);
        $limit = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('limit', 250);

        /** @var BundleService $bundleService */
        $bundleService = $this->container->get('swag_migration_bundle_api_example.bundle_service');

        $bundles = $bundleService->getBundles($offset, $limit);
        $response = new ControllerReturnStruct($bundles, empty($bundles));


Now you have to create the BundleReader in the SwagMigrationBundleExample plugin, which only contains the Shopware 5 API route:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace SwagMigrationBundleExample\Profile\Shopware\Gateway\Api\Reader;

use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\MigrationContextInterface;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Gateway\Api\Reader\ApiReader;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Gateway\Api\ShopwareApiGateway;
use SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\ShopwareProfileInterface;
use SwagMigrationBundleExample\Profile\Shopware\DataSelection\DataSet\BundleDataSet;

class BundleReader extends ApiReader
    public function supports(MigrationContextInterface $migrationContext): bool
        return $migrationContext->getProfile() instanceof ShopwareProfileInterface
            && $migrationContext->getGateway()->getName() === ShopwareApiGateway::GATEWAY_NAME
            && $migrationContext->getDataSet()::getEntity() === BundleDataSet::getEntity();

    protected function getApiRoute(): string
        return 'SwagMigrationBundles'; // This defines which API route should called

After this, you have to register the reader in the Symfony container:

<service id="SwagMigrationBundleExample\Profile\Shopware\Gateway\Api\BundleReader"
    <tag name="shopware.migration.reader"/>

With that, you have implemented your first plugin migration via API.


Check out this GitHub repository containing a full example source.