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Admin Side Installation

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Admin Side Installation


Digital Sales Rooms plugin is a licensed plugin. If you already know how to install a licensed plugin, you can skip this part.


As part of the Shopware Beyond plan, the Digital Sales Rooms is available to you as an extension. Same with other plugins, you have multiple ways to install the plugin via composer, direct download or through your Shopware Account.

In this part, we will learn how to get and install the Digital Sales Rooms plugin into local Shopware instance.

Get the plugin

If you are a merchant with Shopware Beyond, you can access and create a wildcard environment with attached plugins. Refer to guideline for more info.

By this way, you can get the plugin quickly into Shopware instance via multiple ways (via composer, direct download or through your Shopware Account).

Via download

To install a plugin via download, follow these steps:

  • From wildcard environment detail page, click on the plugin and then click on the “Download” button.
  • Save the zip file to your computer.
  • In your Shopware 6 instance source code, go to the custom/plugins directory.
  • Extract the zip file into the custom/plugins directory with name SwagDigitalSalesRooms.

Via composer

To install a plugin via composer, follow these steps:

  • From wildcard environment detail page, click on the plugin and then click on the "Install via composer" button.
  • A modal will appear and contain all command lines to install.

Install & activate the plugin

Once you fetched the plugin, you can run the below Symfony commands for activate plugin:

# refresh the list of available plugins
bin/console plugin:refresh
# find the plugin **name** (first column on the list). In this case, it is "**SwagDigitalSalesRooms"**
bin/console plugin:install **SwagDigitalSalesRooms** --activate
# clear the cache afterward
bin/console cache:clear

# Now it is ready to use