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HTML Sanitizer

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HTML Sanitizer


This feature has been introduced with Shopware version 6.5. This is exclusively intended for self-hosted shops. However, it's important to note that the implementation is currently not available for cloud stores.


HTML sanitizer improves security, reliability and usability of the text editor by removing potentially unsafe or malicious HTML code. It also sanitizes styles and attributes for consistent and correct code rendering regardless of platform and browser. For example, if the <img> tag is added, it is automatically removed by the editor after a few seconds and an additional notice appears that some of your inputs have been sanitized.


Through a workaround or an adjustment of the z-shopware.yaml file, it is possible to add the <img> tag to the allowed code.

The z-shopware.yaml is located below config/packages/ on the server where Shopware is installed. By default, this file does not exist. A simple copy of the shopware.yaml in the same directory solves this obstacle.

In the copied shopware.yaml file (z-shopware.yaml), you should include an additional key called html_sanitizer: inside the shopware: section. This key will contain all the other values and wildcards required for whitelisting.

In this example, the <img> tag, as well as the CSS attributes src, alt and style are added to the whitelist:

      -   name: basic
          tags: [ "img" ]
          attributes: [ "src", "alt", "style" ]
            - key: HTML.Trusted
              value: true
            - key: CSS.Trusted
              value: true

If you want to deactivate the sanitizer despite security risks, you can also do this in the z-shopware.yaml using the following code:

    enabled: false


Disabling the HTML sanitizer will allow potentially unsafe or malicious HTML code to be inserted.