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Using Vuex Stores

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Using Vuex Stores


The Shopware 6 Administration uses Vuex stores to keep track of complex state, while just adding a wrapper around it. Learn what Vuex is, how to use it and when to use it from their great documentation. This guide will show you how to use Vuex as you normally would, through the interfaces provided by the Shopware 6 Administration.


All you need for this guide is a running Shopware 6 instance, the files and preferably a registered module. Of course, you'll have to understand JavaScript and have a basic familiarity with Vue the framework used in the Administration, and it's flux library Vuex.

Creating a store

Creating a store works the same way as it would in standard Vuex with the only limitation being, that all stores have to be namespaced in order to prevent collisions with other third party plugins or the Shopware 6 Administration itself.

The following code snippet is the namespaced store we will register later through Shopware to the underlying Vuex. It is admittedly rather short and has only one variable called content and a setter for it, but again this all the same as in Vuex. Beware of the property namespaced, though.

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/store-example/store.js
export default {
    namespaced: true,

    state() {
        return {
            // the state we want to keep track of
            content: ''

    mutations: {
        // a mutation to change the state
        setContent(state, content) {
            state.content = content;

Registering the store

The store can be registered in two scopes, on a module scope and on a per component scope. Both ways use the same functions from the Shopware object to register and unregister the namespaced store modules.

Registering in a module scope is done by simply calling the function Shopware.State.registerModule in the main.js file.

// <administration root>/src/main.js
import swagBasicState from './store';

Shopware.State.registerModule('swagBasicState', swagBasicState);

In the component scope Namespaced store modules can be registered in the beforeCreate Vue lifecycle hook, with the previously mentioned Shopware.State.registerModule function. But then they also need to be unregistered in the beforeDestroy Vue lifecycle hook, in order to not leave unused stores behind after a component has been destroyed.

All of this can be seen in the following code sample:

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/store-example/index.js
    beforeCreate() {
        // registering the store to vuex through the Shopware objects helper function
        // the first argument is the name the second the imported namespaced store
        Shopware.State.registerModule('swagBasicState', swagBasicState);

    beforeDestroy() {
        // unregister the store before the component is destroyed

Both methods make the store on the given name everywhere available, regardless of where it has been registered.

Using the store in a component

The Shopware object also makes the native Vuex helper functions available, like mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations and mapActions. The namespaced store itself can be accessed through the Shopware.State.get() function.

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/store-example/index.js
// import the template
import template from './store-example.html.twig';

const { Component } = Shopware;

// Access the normal Vuex helper functions through the Shopware Object
const { 
} = Shopware.Component.getComponentHelper();

Component.register('swag-basic-state', {

    computed: {
        // the native mapState vuex helper function 
        ...mapState('swagBasicState', [

    methods: {
        // the native mapMutations vuex helper function
        ...mapMutations('swagBasicState', [

Adding a template

After we have registered our namespaced store, mapped state and mutations, we can now use them in our components or templates. The component below displays the previously mapped state content in a div and a sw-text-field, mutating the state on the changed event of the sw-text-field.

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/store-example/store-example.html.twig
    <h1>SW-6 State</h1>
            @update:value="value => setContent(value)">
        {{ content }}

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