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Custom routes


Your default routes in Shopware 6 are defined in the controllers of the core or your plugins. An example could be the wishlist route:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

#[Route(path: '/wishlist', name: '', options: ['seo' => false], defaults: ['_noStore' => true], methods: ['GET'])]
public function index(Request $request, SalesChannelContext $context): Response
    $customer = $context->getCustomer();

    if ($customer !== null && $customer->getGuest() === false) {
        $page = $this->wishlistPageLoader->load($request, $context, $customer);
        $this->hook(new WishlistPageLoadedHook($page, $context));
    } else {
        $page = $this->guestPageLoader->load($request, $context);
        $this->hook(new GuestWishlistPageLoadedHook($page, $context));

    return $this->renderStorefront('@Storefront/storefront/page/wishlist/index.html.twig', ['page' => $page]);

It defines that your wishlist page is available at /wishlist. This is fine for an English-only shop, but for a multilingual shop, you might want to have a different route for each language.

For example, you could have /wishlist for English and /merkliste for German.


To easily configure those routes, you can use the routes.yaml file in ROOT/config/routes/routes.yaml. Symfony loads this file, which allows you to define your custom paths, in our case, for the wishlist index page.

    en-GB: '/wishlist'
    de-DE: '/merkliste'
  controller: 'Shopware\Storefront\Controller\WishlistController::index'
  methods: ['GET']
    _noStore: true
    _routeScope: ['storefront']
    seo: false

You can configure the path with the locales (for example, de-DE) your shop uses.

If you want to learn more about routes in Symfony, check out the Symfony documentation.