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Add jest runner with disabled compat mode

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Add jest runner with disabled compat mode


This document represents an architecture decision record (ADR) and has been mirrored from the ADR section in our Shopware 6 repository. You can find the original version here


Currently, our component tests in Jest are running with enabled compat mode. To remove the compat mode for each component, we need to add a new Jest runner with disabled compat mode to make sure that the tests are running without compat mode.


I added a new runner command in the NPM scripts to run the Jest tests without compat mode. The new runner command is unit:disabled-compat and unit-watch:disabled-compat. Also, the composer commands are added to run the tests. These commands are admin:unit:disabled-compat and admin:unit-watch:disabled-compat. These commands are using the environment variable DISABLE_JEST_COMPAT_MODE to disable the compat mode.

For the pipeline, I added a new stage to run the Jest tests without compat mode. The stage is Jest (Administration with disabled compat mode).

To mark a test file working without the compat mode you need to add a comment with the @group tag. The tag is @group disabledCompat.


 * @package admin
 * @group disabledCompat

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';

async function createWrapper() {

With this tag, the test file is running without compat mode. To make a component working for both modes, you can use the compatUtils helper function from Vue compat:

// Example
import { compatUtils } from '@vue/compat';


if (compatUtils.isCompatEnabled('INSTANCE_LISTENERS')) {
    return this.$listeners;

return {};


Important: the test still runs also with compat mode activated in parallel.


  • Fixing the components and tests to run also without compat mode. This has to be done by removing the compat mode for each component.
  • Marking fixed tests with @group disabledCompat to run without compat mode.
  • When everything is fixed, we can remove the compat mode from the Jest configuration.