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App Bundle

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App Bundle

App Bundle integrates the PHP App SDK for Symfony. This can be accessed at app-bundle-symfony.


With SQL based storage (Doctrine)

composer require shopware/app-bundle doctrine/orm symfony/doctrine-bridge

With NoSQL based storage (DynamoDB)

composer require shopware/app-bundle async-aws/async-aws-bundle async-aws/dynamo-db

Quick Start using SQL based storage (Doctrine)

1. Create a new Symfony Project (skip if existing)

composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"6.2.*" my-app

2. Install the App Bundle in your Symfony Project

composer require shopware/app-bundle doctrine/orm symfony/doctrine-bridge

It is also recommended to install the monolog bundle to have logging:

composer require logger

3. Create a new App manifest

Here is an example app manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:xsi=""
        <label lang="de-DE">TestApp</label>
        <description lang="de-DE"/>
        <author>Your Company</author>
        <copyright>(c) by Your Company</copyright>
        <webhook name="appActivated" url="http://localhost:8000/app/lifecycle/activate" event="app.activated"/>
        <webhook name="appDeactivated" url="http://localhost:8000/app/lifecycle/deactivate" event="app.deactivated"/>
        <webhook name="appDeleted" url="http://localhost:8000/app/lifecycle/delete" event="app.deleted"/>

change the app name and the app secret to your needs and also adjust the environment variables inside your .env file to match them.

By default, the following routes are registered:

  • /app/lifecycle/register - Register the app
  • /app/lifecycle/activate - Activate the app
  • /app/lifecycle/deactivate - Deactivate the app
  • /app/lifecycle/delete - Delete the app

You can change the prefix by editing the config/routes/shopware_app.yaml file.

The registration also dispatches events to react to the different lifecycle events. See APP SDK docs for it

4. Connecting Doctrine to a Database

The App Bundle ships with a basic Shop entity to store the shop information. You can extend this entity to store more information about your app if needed.

Symfony configures doctrine to use PostgreSQL by default. Change the DATABASE_URL environment variable in your .env file if you want to use MySQL. You can also use SQLite by setting the DATABASE_URL to sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/app.db for development.

After choosing your database engine, you need to require two extra composer packages.

composer req symfony/maker-bundle migrations

And create your first migration using bin/console make:migration (which is using the AbstractShop Class) and apply it to your database with bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate.

5. Implement first ActionButtons, Webhooks, Payment

Check out the official app documentation to learn more about the different integration points with this SDK.

You can also check out the APP SDK documentation.

Optional: Webhook as Symfony Events

The app bundle also registers a generic webhook controller, which dispatches the webhook as a Symfony event. To use that, register your Shopware webhooks to the generic webhook, which is by default /app/webhook.

<webhook name="productWritten" url="http://localhost:8000/app/webhook" event="product.written"/>

With that, you can write a Symfony EventListener/Subscriber to listen to and react to the event.

#[AsEventListener(event: 'webhook.product.written')]
class ProductUpdatedListener
    public function __invoke(WebhookAction $action): void
        // handle the webhook