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The Broadcast Channel API allows simple communication between browsing contexts (e.g., different tabs, iframes, or workers) on the same origin.

For Vue app we are recommending to use useBroadcastChannel from VueUse package

Enabling Broadcasting in Vue-Demo Template

By default, the broadcasting feature is disabled in the Vue-Demo template. To enable broadcasting, follow these steps:

  1. Open the nuxt.config.ts file in your project.
  2. Locate the broadcasting configuration setting.
  3. Set the broadcasting property to true as shown below:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // Other configurations...
  runtimeConfig: {
    broadcasting: false,

For more information, please visit the troubleshooting page

Synchronizing changes between tabs

In our demo store template we provide example of usage broadcasting for synchronizing changes between tabs. We rely on the data fetched by the API client and send them to broadcast channel for synchronization. This way:

  • session data
  • cart data are synchronized between tabs.
import type { Schemas } from "#shopware";

export function useSyncChannel<Entity>(
  name: string,
): [Ref<Entity | undefined>, (data: Entity) => void] {
  const { data, post } = useBroadcastChannel<Entity, Entity>({

  return [data, post];

function isEntity<T extends { apiAlias: string }>(
  data: T,
  apiAlias: T["apiAlias"],
): data is T {
  return data?.apiAlias === apiAlias;

 * Sync basic state like session/cart data between tabs
export const useBroadcastChannelSync = createSharedComposable(() => {
  const { apiClient } = useShopwareContext();

  // Synchronize CART data
  const { refreshCart } = useCart();
  const [cartData, notifyCartDataChanged] =
  watch([cartData], () => {

  // Synchronize SESSION data
  const { setContext } = useSessionContext();
  const [sessionData, notifySessionDataChanged] = useSyncChannel<
  watch([sessionData], () => {
    if (sessionData.value) {

  // Listen for API responses and update the shared state
  apiClient.hook("onSuccessResponse", (response) => {
    // for cart
    if (isEntity<Schemas["Cart"]>(<Schemas["Cart"]>response._data, "cart")) {
    // for session data
    else if (
    ) {