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As soon as several thousand data sets are used in a project, it makes sense to deal with Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch 7.3 or newer is required. The Elasticsearch integration for Shopware is in the shopware/elasticsearch bundle. If this is not available in your project you can simply add it via composer require shopware/elasticsearch.


Activating and first time Indexing

To activate Elasticsearch indexing the following environment variables have to be set:

  • SHOPWARE_ES_HOSTS: A comma separated list of Elasticsearch hosts. You can find the possible formats here
  • SHOPWARE_ES_INDEXING_ENABLED=1: This variable activates the indexing to Elasticsearch
  • SHOPWARE_ES_INDEX_PREFIX=sw6: This variable defines the prefix for the Elasticsearch indices

After changing the configuration, you should clear the cache using bin/console cache:clear.

To start the indexing you have to execute the following command: bin/console es:index. Shopware creates the alias for the index by default when the expected alias is not there.


./bin/console dal:refresh:index --use-queue triggers both the elasticsearch indexing process, but also other indexers which may take a while.

To see the current state of the indexing, you can check the count of documents in the Elasticsearch index or the state of the queue by looking into the enqueue table.

After the index is successfully built, we can enable the search on the index by setting environment variable SHOPWARE_ES_ENABLED to 1.


The reindexing can be triggered by running ./bin/console es:index again. The alias will change when the indexing process is completed. A scheduled task will check all 5 minutes if the index is fully indexed and switch it. The alias switch can also be triggered by using ./bin/console es:create:alias.

Index cleanup

On each indexing a new Elasticsearch index will be generated. To remove unused indices, you can execute the command: ./bin/console es:index:cleanup.