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Quick Setup

Quick Setup

Let's set up Shopware PWA in the easiest way possible.

The tutorial is divided into three main steps:

  1. Set up Shopware
  2. Set up Shopware PWA integration plugin
  3. Set up Shopware PWA


The tutorial works for a system which fulfills the following requirements (others might work as well)

  • Node Version: 12.18.4
  • NPM Version: 6.14.4
  • Yarn Version: 1.22.4 (we use yarn instead of node to install Shopware PWA)
  • Docker
  • A terminal/shell like console, or iTerm

If those are fulfilled, we are good to go.

System check

Make sure docker on your system is up and running. You can double check by typing

$ docker -v

into your console. The output should look something like

Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea

In addition to that, check that no process is running on your HTTP port (80).

$ netstat -an tcp | grep LISTEN

If the output contains a process listening on port 80, make sure to stop that process (e.g. running containers or services).

1. Set up Shopware

There are plenty of ways to set up Shopware, however we'll focus on the easiest one (in my opinion).

We're going to use a tool named Dockware which is a collection of docker images that can be used both for just trying out Shopware or setting up development environments. If you want to learn more, check out their website!

All you have to do is run

$ docker run --rm -p 80:80 dockware/play:latest

wait a little bit and it should give your something similar to this after a while

WOHOOO, dockware/play:latest IS READY :) - let's get started
PHP: PHP 7.4.12 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2020 17:04:09) ( NTS )
Apache DocRoot: /var/www/html/public
ADMINER URL: http://localhost/adminer.php
MAILCATCHER URL: http://localhost/mailcatcher
PIMPMYLOG URL: http://localhost/logs
SHOP URL: http://localhost
ADMIN URL: http://localhost/admin

Now navigate to http://localhost to double-check everything is up and running.

That's it, Shopware is up and running.

Access Token

In step 3 we'll need an access token, so make sure to follow these points:

Navigate to http://localhost/admin and login with shopware / admin credentials.

Select Storefront from the Sales Channel section in the navigation menu on the left. Then scroll down to the section which says API access and copy the API access key. That will be the token you need later on.

2. Set up Shopware PWA integration plugin

Next, we have to install a single plugin to make Shopware PWA work properly.

Because we have to execute some commands in the container, we have to start a shell. But first we have to know the name of the container:

$ docker ps | grep dockware/play

Now copy the ID of the container or its name from last column (in my case lucid_varahamihira) and start the shell

$ docker exec -it lucid_varahamihira /bin/bash

Now we're connected to the container. It already has git installed, so we can check out the plugin straight into our plugin directory:

$ git clone custom/plugins/SwagShopwarePwa

After that, refresh your plugin list

$ bin/console plugin:refresh

and install the plugin

$ bin/console plugin:install --activate SwagShopwarePwa

An we're good to go!

3. Set up Shopware PWA

Either type exit into your container shell or open a new console tab/window.

Switch into an empty directory of your choice:

$ mkdir shopware-pwa-project
$ cd shopware-pwa-project

After that, initialise a new project using

$ npx @shopware-pwa/cli init

during the process, it will prompt you for some configuration (like the access token from step 1)

✔ Shopware instance address: · https://localhost
✔ Shopware instance access token: · SWSCBHLBAZI3DXPNMXRLNGVPOA
✔ Which version you'd like to use: · latest stable (recommended)

from the list of version to install, confirm the latest stable version by hitting Enter.

Afterwards, confirm every question by hitting Enter.

Initialisation of your project might take a few minutes. After it's finished, run

$ yarn dev

A successful startup will be confirmed a line similar to

Listening on:

Congratulations, your PWA and your Shopware API backend are up and running!