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Registering a customer

Registering a customer


If you want to place orders, manage a profile or view old orders, you have to register a customer.

Registration of a customer

A customer needs some personal data and a billing address to be created. In addition to that, you have to define a storefront URL. This URL is required for Shopware to correctly assemble a confirmation link so they can confirm their registration in case of a double opt in. This is especially required for frontends that have a different host than the Shopware API itself.


The customer requires a salutationId and a countryId parameter. You can fetch the different options using the /store-api/v3/salutation and /store-api/v3/country endpoints respectively.

// POST /store-api/v3/account/register

    "salutationId": "32d6c76401d749d2b025eba20a511e54",
    "firstName": "Alice",
    "lastName": "Apple",
    "email": "",
    "password": "ilovefruits",
    "storefrontUrl": "http://localhost",
    "billingAddress": {
        "street": "Apple Alley 42",
        "zipcode": "1234-5",
        "city": "Appleton",
        "countryId": "de7ca8cbb8934e63bed964f8d592d501"

If your request is successful, the response contains a representation of the newly created customer.

Context Token


When you're using double opt-in, please follow these steps before continuing.

There's one more interesting thing. If you look at the response headers, you will find the sw-context-token header. Usually that header contains the token which identifies your current session. However, when you register a customer, it contains both the new and the old token, separated by a comma:

sw-context-token    GP6Yin6JlKeFP55oKVpVYx8Zt4Um1fqc, YoKCWdUdMYh5FEszia4ZrcoyAh7hJNY1

The first token is the new one - you can use it on subsequent requests and your customer is already logged in. The old token is still valid and contains the cart and other settings. You can pass it as an additional header sw-context-token to identify your requests.


The context token also works for non-logged-in users. If you don't provide a context-token with each of your requests, Shopware will generate one for you and pass it as a response header.

You can always double check the state of your session using the /store-api/v3/account/customer endpoint. If you're logged in, it returns information about the customer, otherwise it returns a 403 Forbidden errror:

// GET /store-api/v3/account/customer

  "errors": [
      "status": "403",
      "title": "Forbidden",
      "detail": "Customer is not logged in.",
      "meta": {
        "parameters": []

Double Opt-In

Some data regulations force stores to provide a double opt-in registration. In that flow, customers have to confirm their registration using a link sent to them by email. Shopware assembles this URL using the following format, where storefrontUrl is the URL of your application (as provided during registration).



Your application has to listen on the /registration/confirm route in order to support double opt-in.

This URL will direct the user to your application, so you have to make sure that your application calls the following endpoint to confirm the registration:

// POST /store-api/v3/account/register-confirm

  "em": "[email-hash]",
  "hash": "[customer-hash]"

Guest Customers

Guest customers are one-time customers, which simply place an order without creating an account. Technically, guest customers have to be registered as well, however the record will just be created for technical reasons. Just pass the guest: true to the register request in order to create a guest customer. The rest of the flow will be the same as for a normal registration. Just be aware that, for guest customers you can't re-obtain a valid session, once they've been logged out.

The double opt-in procedure described above works the same for guest customers.

Logging in

Logging in as a user is even easier. You just have to pass the user's email and password to authenticate.

// POST /store-api/v3/account/login

    "email": "",
    "password": "ilovefruits"

The response contains your new context token identifying the logged in customer.

  "apiAlias": "array_struct",
  "contextToken": "PwSFY3T3IZCWdq658ku3nZMPouLmAlJU"

Now that we're logged in, let's look for some products. (Not that we need to be logged in to do that, but it feels like we're getting warm now, so it's about time).

Searching for products