Store API Reference
This endpoint reference contains an overview of all endpoints contained in the Shopware Store API.
As our software can be extended using apps and plugins, this reference only represents the state of the Store API without extensions.
The actual structure and functionality of the endpoints can differ from this reference if you are using extensions within your system.
Helpful guides to read before using this reference
This reference contains endpoints and data schemas for our Store API. Each endpoint reference is structured in the same way.
See the below section for an exemplary endpoint description.
Example endpoint
The first line contains the HTTP method, the endpoint URL relative to the base route and the name of the corresponding route class within the
POST /product/{productId}
| ProductDetailRoute
The parameters section contains parameters of the endpoint. Depending on the endpoint parameters can be passed as a header, as a query parameter (
), as a route path parameter (/product/{productId}
) or (for post requests) as body parameter. The most common parameters are defined in the search criteria parameters, which can be passed in almost every list endpoint. More information about the search criteria.
| uuid | required
Identifier of a product. If it points to a "parent" product, it returns the cheapest variant of that product.
Search Criteria
| Criteria | optional
The return codes and bodies differ from endpoint to endpoint. Usually, our reference contains examples for the successful response and the most common 4xx errors. See Response Types.
Returns a single product together with a configurator object that contains its variant options.404 Not Found
Response types
There are different types of responses and knowing about them can make your work way easier.
200 OK This is the most common response, indicating a successful operation. Oftentimes, the API responds with the entity you just modified or simply the success: true
field in an object.
204 No Content Some endpoints respond with a no content response if it's more applicable.
Client Error
The API tries to resolve client errors and give an indication of what has gone wrong. Therefore, the response usually contains an errors
field containing one or multiple errors to help you track them down. Each error contains a summary of the issue in the detail
400 Bad Request This response usually indicates that there's an issue with your request format - for example a missing parameter or violated constraints.
401 Unauthorized The unauthorised error indicates, that your sales channel access key is missing.
403 Forbidden This response indicates that you are not authorised to perform that operation. For some operations, such as placing an order or submitting a review you need to be logged in as a customer. In those cases, check your sw-context-token
header and whether you're logged in.
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method used for the request is not valid.
412 Precondition Failed This error occurs if your sales channel access key is invalid. Make sure that it matches any of your configured sales channels.
Server Error
5xx Server errors are rare, but they occur. They can be related to inconsistencies in the DB, infrastructure outages or software issues. If you cannot backtrack that issue, please create an issue ticket to let us know.
Submit reference issues
If you find any issues, errors or missing parts in the reference, please create an issue or a pull request in our Github Documentation repository.
All Endpoints
Route Name | Documentation Status |
LoadWishlistRoute | ✅ |
AddWishlistProductRoute | ✅ |
MergeWishlistProductRoute | ✅ |
RemoveWishlistProductRoute | ✅ |
CustomerRoute | ✅ |
ChangeCustomerProfileRoute | ✅ |
ChangeEmailRoute | ✅ |
LoginRoute | ✅ |
LogoutRoute | ✅ |
RegisterRoute | ✅ |
RegisterConfirmRoute | ✅ |
ChangePasswordRoute | ✅ |
ChangePaymentMethodRoute | ✅ |
SendPasswordRecoveryMailRoute | ✅ |
ResetPasswordRoute | ✅ |
ListAddressRoute | ✅ |
DeleteAddressRoute | ✅ |
SwitchDefaultAddressRoute | ✅ |
UpsertAddressRoute | ✅ |
CustomerGroupRegistrationSettingsRoute | ✅ |
DeleteCustomerRoute | ✅ |
CartDeleteRoute | ❌ |
CartItemAddRoute | ❌ |
CartItemRemoveRoute | ❌ |
CartItemUpdateRoute | ❌ |
CartLoadRoute | ❌ |
CartOrderRoute | ❌ |
CancelOrderRoute | ❌ |
OrderRoute | ❌ |
SetPaymentOrderRoute | ❌ |
HandlePaymentMethodRoute | ❌ |
PaymentMethodRoute | ❌ |
ShippingMethodRoute | ❌ |
CategoryListRoute | ✅ |
CategoryRoute | ✅ |
NavigationRoute | ✅ |
CmsRoute | ❌ |
ContactFormRoute | ❌ |
NewsletterConfirmRoute | ❌ |
NewsletterSubscribeRoute | ❌ |
NewsletterUnsubscribeRoute | ❌ |
ProductListListRoute | ✅ |
ProductCrossSellingRoute | ✅ |
ProductDetailRoute | ✅ |
ProductListingRoute | ✅ |
ProductReviewRoute | ✅ |
ProductReviewSaveRoute | ✅ |
ProductSearchRoute | ✅ |
ProductSuggestRoute | ✅ |
SeoUrlRoute | ❌ |
SitemapRoute | ❌ |
CountryRoute | ❌ |
CurrencyRoute | ❌ |
LanguageRoute | ❌ |
ContextRoute | ❌ |
ContextSwitchRoute | ❌ |
SalutationRoute | ❌ |