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Fetch a single category

POST /category/{categoryId} | CategoryRoute

This endpoint returns information about the category, as well as a fully resolved (hydrated with mapping values) CMS page, if one is assigned to the category. You can pass slots which should be resolved exclusively.



categoryId | string | required
Identifier of a category or string. Use the "home" alias to fetch the root category for the sales channel.


slots | string | optional
Slot ids that should be resolved exclusively. Separate multiple slot ids using a | character.

includes | object | optional


Returns a category object.

Fetch a list of categories by criteria

POST /category | CategoryListRoute

Perform a filtered search for categories.



Search Criteria | Criteria | optional


Returns a search result containing categories, aggregations and pagination properties.

Fetch a navigation menu

POST /navigation/{activeId}/{rootId} | NavigationRoute

This endpoint returns a categories that can be used as a page navigation. You can either return them as a tree or as a flat list. You can also control the depth of the tree.



sw-include-seo-urls | boolean | optional
Fetch routes for every category. Default is false.


activeId | uuid | required
Id of the active category in the navigation tree (if not used, just set to the same as rootId.

rootId | uuid | required
Id of the root category for your desired navigation tree. You can use it to fetch sub-trees of your navigation tree.


Instead of passing uuids, you can also use one of the following aliases for the activeId and rootId parameters to get the respective navigations of your sales channel.

  • main-navigation
  • service-navigation
  • service-navigation
POST /navigation/main-navigation/main-navigation


buildTree | boolean | optional
Return the categories as a tree or as a flat list. Default is true.

depth | integer | optional
Determines the depth of fetched navigation levels. Default is 2.

Search Criteria | Criteria | optional


Returns a collection of categories.