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Dockware is basically a managed docker setup for Shopware 6. It makes it possible to start Shopware 6 in just a couple of seconds using It already comes with everything you need for a smooth development workflow. This includes all available Shopware 6 versions, MySQL, Adminer, Mailcatcher, easy PHP switching, XDebug, useful make commands and way more.

Dockware is maintained by dasistweb GmbH. They provide a detailed documentaion as well. This way, we'll cover just the basics here - For details please feel free to refer to the original dockware docs at any time.

Dockware versions

Dockware images come in several version so you can choose the one which fits your needs best. You can find a brief overview below, but as always, please refer to their website for a detailed comparison.

dockware #playLaunch Shopware in just a couple of seconds locally on your system. Test every functionality and play around while verifying your requirements.Production
dockware #devThis is the solution for instant coding. Run Shopware 6, prepare your IDE and immediately start with your own customizations and plugins. Provides Xdebug, watchers or more.Production
dockware #contributeThis image supports Shopware 6 modification, basically to contribute to the official Shopware 6 Github platform. Contains all dev tools and the already installed demo data.developement
dockware #essentialsThis is a plain dockware environment without Shopware.---
dockware #flexThis one provides a flexible Apache and PHP container for all kinds of Symfony and Shopware projects. It's an image meant for for individualization, e.g. you can manage the Shopware version on your own.---


First things first, please install Docker on your local maschine.

Afterwards, you are almost ready to start. You just need to use the following command on your host system to get it going:

# quick run with latest PHP and Shopware
$ docker run --rm -p 80:80 dockware/dev:latest


Beware that this is meant for quickstart. The parameter --rm will throw everything away. If the container is stopped the whole database etc. will be gone. So if you want a persistent solution, head over to the "Using docker-compose" paragraph.

This command will install Dockware #dev version, which is based on Production template. If you want to use development template, you need to use #contribute version. As soon as the docker image is downloaded and dockware is ready, you will see this text:

SUCCESS - Shopware is now ready!
SHOP URL: http://localhost
ADMIN URL: http://localhost/admin
ADMINER URL: http://localhost/adminer.php
MAILCATCHER URL: http://localhost/mailcatcher

Further ways to start

You can start the dockware image with different shopware versions:

docker run --rm -p 80:80 --env PHP_VERSION=7.2 dockware/dev:latest

Using docker-compose

Create docker-compose.yml

Create a new docker-compose.yml in the folder where you want to start your project and use our template below.

Dockware does already come with an installed Shopware 6. You can change the Shopware version along with the PHP version in your compose file.

Here's an overview about what versions are available:

version: "3"


      # use either tag "latest" or any other version like "6.1.5", ...
      image: dockware/dev:latest
      container_name: shopware
         - "80:80"
         - "3306:3306"
         - "22:22"
         - "8888:8888"
         - "9999:9999"
         - "db_volume:/var/lib/mysql"
         - "shop_volume:/var/www/html"
         - web
         # default = 0, recommended to be OFF for frontend devs
         - XDEBUG_ENABLED=1
         # default = latest PHP, optional = specific version
         - PHP_VERSION=7.4

    driver: local
    driver: local

    external: false

Start Docker

Open the folder with your compose file in your terminal and execute this command to start your container:

docker-compose up -d

Prepare Development

Now download the current version of Shopware to your host into a "src" directory.

This is required to have code completion and IntelliSense right in your IDE.

mkdir -p ./src
docker cp shopware:/var/www/html/. ./src

Prepare IDE

Open the "src" folder with your preferred IDE and wait until finished loading. Then add a new SFTP connection to your container. (We recommend Automatic-Upload if possible)

That's it, you're done and ready to develop your own plugins and projects.


Default credentials for dockware can be found at

Next steps

Would you like to explore alternative ways to install Shopware? You can install Shopware on Mac with the help of other tools:

Otherwise, you might want to start writing your very own plugin. Head over to Plugin base guide to get a grip on that topic.