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Add custom data to the search

Add custom data to the search


When developing a customization that has a frequently visited entity listing you're able to make use of an interesting opportunity: You can enable the user to take a shortcut finding his desired entry using the global search.

There are two different ways how the global search works:

  • Global search without type specification
  • Typed global search

They only differ in the API they use and get displayed in a slightly different way.


Think twice about adding this shortcut because if every plugin adds their own search tag it gets cluttered.


For this guide, it's necessary to have a running Shopware 6 instance and full access to both the files and a running plugin. See our plugin page guide to learn how to create your own plugins.

Plugin Base Guide

In addition, you need a custom entity to add to the search to begin with. Head over to the following guide to learn how to achieve that:

Plugin Base Guide

Support custom entity via search API

To support an entity in the untyped global search the definition in the symfony container needs the tag shopware.composite_search.definition. The priority of the tag defines the order in the search order.

The typed global search needs an instance of the JavaScript class ApiService with the key of the entity in camelcase suffixed with Service. E.g. The service key is yourCustomSearchService when requesting a service for your_custom_search. Every entity definition gets automatically an instance in the injection container but can be overridden so there is no additional work needed.

Support in the Administration UI

Add search tag

The search tag displays the entity type that is used in the typed search and is a clickable button to switch from the untyped to the typed search. In order to add the tag, a service decorator is used to add a type to the searchTypeService:

const { Application } = Shopware;

Application.addServiceProviderDecorator('searchTypeService', searchTypeService => {
    searchTypeService.upsertType('foo_bar', {
        entityName: 'foo_bar',
        entityService: 'fooBarService',
        placeholderSnippet: 'foo-bar.general.placeholderSearchBar',
        listingRoute: ''

    return searchTypeService;

Let's take a closer look on how this decorator is used:

  • The key and entityName is used as the same to change also existing types.
  • The entityService is used for the typed search.
  • This service can be overridden with an own implementation for customization.
  • The placeholderSnippet is a translation key that is shown when no search term is entered.
  • The listingRoute is used to show a link to continue the search in the module specific listing view.

Add the search result item

By default, the search bar does not know how to display the result items, so a current search request will not show any result. In order to declare a search result view the sw-search-bar-item template has to be altered as seen below, starting with the template:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/structure/sw-search-bar-item/sw-search-bar-item.html.twig
{% block sw_search_bar_item_cms_page %}
    {% parent %}

    <router-link v-else-if="type === 'foo_bar'"
                 v-bind:to="{ name: '', params: { id: } }"
        {% block sw_search_bar_item_foo_bar_label %}
            <span class="sw-search-bar-item__label">
                <sw-highlight-text v-bind:searchTerm="searchTerm"
        {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

Here you see the changes in the index.js file:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/structure/sw-search-bar-item/index.js
import template from './sw-search-bar-item.html.twig';

Shopware.Component.override('sw-search-bar-item', {

The sw_search_bar_item_cms_page block is used as it is the last block, but it is not important which shopware type is extended as long as the vue else-if structure is kept working.

By default, the search bar tries to resolve to the registered listing route. If your entity can be searched externally you can edit the sw-search-more-results or sw-search components as well:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/structure/sw-search-more-results/sw-search-more-results.html.twig
{% block sw_search_more_results %}
    <template v-if="result.entity === 'foo_bar'">
        There are so many hits.
        <a :href="'https://my.erp.localhost/?q=' + searchTerm"
             Look it directly up
        in the ERP instead.
    <template v-else>
        {% parent %}
{% endblock %}

See for the changes in the index.js file below:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/structure/sw-search-more-results/index.js
import template from './sw-search-more-results.html.twig';

Shopware.Component.override('sw-search-more-results', {

Potential pitfalls

In case of a tag with a technical name with a missing translation, proceed like this:

    "global": {
        "entities": {
            "my_entity": "My entity | My entities"

To change the color of the tag, or the icon in the untyped global search a module has to be registered with an entity reference in the module:

Shopware.Module.register('any-name', {
    color: '#ff0000',
    icon: 'default-basic-shape-triangle',
    entity: 'my_entity',