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PSH E2E Commands

PSH E2E Commands

./psh.phar e2e:cleanupSets Shopware back to state of the backup
./psh.phar e2e:dump-dbCreates a backup of Shopware's database
./psh.phar e2e:initPrepares Shopware installation and environment for Cypress usage
./psh.phar e2e:openOpens Cypress' e2e tests runner
./psh.phar e2e:prepare-environmentInstall dependencies and prepare database for Cypress usage
./psh.phar e2e:prepare-shopwarePrepare shopware installation for Cypress usage
./psh.phar e2e:restore-dbRestores shopware backup
./psh.phar e2e:runRuns Cypress' e2e tests in CLI