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Using custom fields

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Using custom fields


All you need for this guide is a running Shopware 6 instance, the files and preferably a registered module in your own plugin. Don't know how to create an own plugin yet? Head over to the following guide:

Plugin Base Guide

In order to craft your module, you will need to create lots on own components. If you're not sure about how to do that, take a look at the corresponding guide:

Add custom component

In addition, of course you need an entity with custom fields to be able to add those custom fields to your module to begin with. Here you can learn how to add your custom fields:

Add custom field

Using custom fields in your module

In Shopware, we provide an own component called sw-custom-field-set-renderer for your template, being tailored specifically to display custom field sets.

As a consequence, you're able to use this component to display your custom fields. See here:

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/swag-basic-example/swag-basic-example.html.twig
<sw-card title="Custom fields">

For further details on the sw-custom-field-set-renderer component, feel free to refer to its page in our component library:

Homepage - Shopware Component library

The next step is loading your custom fields. First things first, create a variable for your custom fields in data:

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/swag-basic-example/index.js
    data() {
        return {
            yourCustomFields: null

Afterwards, you can start to integrate the custom field data into your component. Therefore, you need to create a customFieldSetRepository first as computed property. In this context, it may come in handy to already set the customFieldSetCriteria. Both steps can be seen in the example below:

// <plugin-root>/src/Resources/app/administration/app/src/component/swag-basic-example/index.js
computed: {
    // Using the repository to work with customFields
    customFieldSetRepository() {
        return this.repositoryFactory.create('custom_field_set');

    // sets the criteria used for your custom field set
    customFieldSetCriteria() {
        const criteria = new Criteria();

        // restrict the customFieldSets to be associated with products
        criteria.addFilter(Criteria.equals('relations.entityName', 'product'));

        // sort the customFields based on customFieldPosition
            .addSorting(Criteria.sort('config.customFieldPosition', 'ASC', true));

        return criteria;

Now you can access your custom fields, e.g. within a method. In order to achieve that, you can use the search method as you're used to working with repositories:

    // this will fetch the customFieldSets, Shopware.Context.api)
        .then((customFieldSets) => {
            this.currencyCustomFields = customFieldSets;