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Storefront Controller

Storefront Controller


  • Each controller action has to be declared with a @Since tag.
  • Each controller action requires a @Route annotation.
  • The name of the route should start with "frontend".
  • Each route should define the corresponding HTTP Method (GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH).
  • The function name should be concise.
  • Each function should define a return type hint.
  • A route should have a single purpose.
  • Use Symfony flash bags for error reporting.
  • Each storefront functionality has to be available inside the Store API too.
  • A Storefront controller should never contain business logic.
  • The class requires the annotation: @Route(defaults={"_routeScope"={"storefront"}}).
  • Depending services have to be injected over the class constructor.
  • Depending services have to be defined in the DI-Container service definition.
  • Depending services have to be assigned to a private class property.
  • A Storefront controller has to extend the \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\StorefrontController.

Read operations inside Storefront controllers

  • A Storefront controller should never use a repository directly. The data should be fetched over a route or page loader.
  • Routes that load a full Storefront page should use a page loader class to load all corresponding data.
  • Pages that contain data that are the same for all customers should have the @HttpCache annotation.

Write operations inside Storefront controllers

  • Write operations should create their response with the createActionResponse function to allow different forwards and redirects.
  • Each write operation has to call a corresponding Store API route.